
William Whitlock

Sorry to ambush you through emails like this William, but my evening has suddenly become very free and very empty.
I was wondering if you would wish to accompany me for Dinner tonight?
We can go somewhere or I can cook. I promise that Graham will not be gate crashing us if you accept, I will make sure that he is pre-disposed instead.

I also hate to pry, but I've attached the last email I was sent by that Detective, Sammy I believe he introduced himself as, that's what his email claims after all, and I thought it would be of interest to you. Of course, I am not the one who's shared this with you if anyone asks about it.


[email protected] wrote:

Hello Dr,
I'm emailing on behalf of Detective Crawford. He wishest to meet with you about the recent case that he's been working on, something to do with the fact you're good with people.
He's been trying to contact Dr Whitlock, who I know you are also aquantted with, but everytime we ask him, he brushes us off or seems to have plans with yourself.

If you could get back to us as soon as possible that would be incredibly helpful.

RE: Hannibal
William Whitlock


I enjoy that you've come to me for help to decifer the other mans words and intentions.
For I could both completely mess you up and lie about what he means. Though truthfully, I don't understand what he means all of the times, but as they say, two heads are better then one.

Here's the main thing, Hannibal doesn't like to be lied to. If you try to fake understanding what he means and that becomes clear, instead of feeling like you're trying, he would be offended.
Here's what I'd recommend, understand the words how you want to understand them and roll with that. If you've got it wrong and he dislikes the interpretation, he'll correct you, though if he likes how you're taking things he'll go along with it.
He likes you Wills, use that to your advantage. Though of course, I'd like you to fuck everything up with him. ^^


Answer me
William Whitlock


Hmm, I love how you'll talk to me in person about other subject matters, but the minute I bring up my work you clam up and won't talk.
What's changed with you? You used to love helping me with my cases, not that I could ever convince you to join me in doing it in a legal capacity. So tell me Will, what is it about this serial killer that means you don't want me involved or youself involved?


William Whitlock, Graham

William, Graham

Look, how many times do I need to tell the two of you to just, please get along.
This is why I don't invite both of you to my dinner parties, you can behave alone but once you're both there you are like toddlers. I have had to apologise to some very rich people, that I'm sure could out buy both of you in a lot of senses.

If you can't get your acts together, then I shall simply have to stop inviting you anywhere. Honestly Graham, I didn't see you as the jealous type, but clearly I was wrong.

Just please, get your acts together.

RE: Hannibal
William Whitlock


I enjoy that you've come to me for help to decifer the other mans words and intentions.
For I could both completely mess you up and lie about what he means. Though truthfully, I don't understand what he means all of the times, but as they say, two heads are better then one.

Here's the main thing, Hannibal doesn't like to be lied to. If you try to fake understanding what he means and that becomes clear, instead of feeling like you're trying, he would be offended.
Here's what I'd recommend, understand the words how you want to understand them and roll with that. If you've got it wrong and he dislikes the interpretation, he'll correct you, though if he likes how you're taking things he'll go along with it.
He likes you Wills, use that to your advantage. Though of course, I'd like you to fuck everything up with him. ^^


William Whitlock ([email protected])

It's a pleasure to make you're acquaintance Melody,
Let's just say my initial email to you was going to be a lot brasher, but I was reminded that unlike Crawford, you're not my old friend so wouldn't understand why I'm talking the way I am.

Either way, feel free to reach out to me if Crawford is getting on your nerves. I get that he can be a lot, especially about this current case, though let it be know, that is a rather sore subject between the two of us right now.
Also don't panic, I am delibratly ignoring his emails, though please don't inform him of that or he will be incredibly obnoxious about it.

Yours faithfully,
Dr William Whitlock

>TO: [email protected]
>FROM: [email protected]
>SUBJECT: New Intern

I just wanted to inform you that I have a new intern for this case. The academy suggests she's one of their best and I could really do with her on my side.

I would apprechiate it greatly if you could reach out to her, send her a friendly email. I know you're often ignoring mine, so maybe you'll talk to her instead.
[email protected]


re: Parentity Test
Brent Radford ([email protected])
David Sarif

I had a friend at the Geneview Labs run the test off the records like you asked. Does your subject know that neither of his parents are his birth parents? That surprised me. The mother was sterile according to those old medical records I dug up, but his dad carries no common phenotypes either.

See for yourself:

Margie Jensen

Arthur Jensen

Adam Jensen

Genetic Systems Tested/Parentage Index

Probability of Parentage: 0

RE: Hannibal
William Whitlock


I'm just going to have to assume that you're being genuine aren't I. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly as well.
I think he knows that he's the only person I can't quite read and he's deliberately choosing words that can mean different things.
What's the real difference between a date or simply date? How does one tell if they mean it romantically or platonicly if they don't suggest either way.

Ugh, you're so going to use that against me later, you're going to use all of this against me later. I guess thanks for the help.


William Whitlock

Oh Gods, please help.
How is Hannibal such a difficult man to read. He says things and I can't work out if he means them literally or in a more figurative sense.

If you could give me any advice as to how to understand him, how to read him, I would be forever greatful to you.
Let it be known, I wouldn't owe you anything for this, I hate owing you things, because you're always make them as complicated or annoying to do as possible.

Hopefully many thanks in advance,

William Whitlock

It's a pleasure to make you're acquaintance Melody,
Let's just say my initial email to you was going to be a lot brasher, but I was reminded that unlike Crawford, you're not my old friend so wouldn't understand why I'm talking the way I am.

Either way, feel free to reach out to me if Crawford is getting on your nerves. I get that he can be a lot, especially about this current case, though let it be know, that is a rather sore subject between the two of us right now.
Also don't panic, I am delibratly ignoring his emails, though please don't inform him of that or he will be incredibly obnoxious about it.

Yours faithfully,
Dr William Whitlock

>TO: [email protected]
>FROM: [email protected]
>SUBJECT: New Intern

I just wanted to inform you that I have a new intern for this case. The academy suggests she's one of their best and I could really do with her on my side.

I would apprechiate it greatly if you could reach out to her, send her a friendly email. I know you're often ignoring mine, so maybe you'll talk to her instead.
[email protected]


You know?
William Whitlock

Who are you?
You told me that you're not a threat, that you know what I am and what I do?

Why don't we meet up and I can know who you are and you can tell me exactly what you know of me.

RE: Date?
William Whitlock

I would love to join you for dinner, on the condition that Graham is not there, of course.
I always prefer your cooking, you should know this by now. Though if that would be too much for you I don't mind eating anwyehere you suggest, you seem to have the best taste.

Come on Will
William Whitlock

Come on Will,

I know you're receiving my emails, you can't just pretend you've forgotten the password, Melody let it slip that she's been emailing you and that you've been responding. Which is why I can't understand why you just keep pretending you've not recieved any from me.

These are important Will, I'm hunting down a serial killer and I need your help. If you keep ignoring me, you can claim some of the blame for the next body we end up discovering. You're my friend and I thought you saw me in the same way, so please, at least give me the honour of emailing me to tell me to go away.


I know what you are
William Whitlock

Hello Dr Whitlock,
I know what you are, I know what it is that you do. I know how you're running that detective in circles, it's clever really.
Don't worry about what harm I could do, consider me an admirer of what you do. I won't stop you because I want to know how far you can go, what else it is that you have hidden back there.

So for now, consider yourself seen and looked up to.

For now goodbye,
Your Admirer

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