Aloofcloud's Bulletins


Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by Aloofcloud

Hello everyone!  As some of you may or may not have noticed(or not LOL) I've been pretty absent lately, and I will probably continue to be until April(we also have a vocaloid concert in april woo)! Andy and I have a move coming up, our lease ends April 9th, and so that means March is going to be filled with the whole process that comes with preparing to move.  We have an apartment tour this Saturday which I'm hopeful for, it's my preferred apartment so far- but if that doesn't work out I will tour the back ups I have next week.

I'll still try posting on and off in my art thread I have for the year of 2024... but it will be spottier than I want it to be.

If you're interested in chatting you can reach out for my disc if you don't have it already(if we're mutuals!) 

have this photo I forgot I had


Art journey of 2024

Posted 4 months, 2 days ago by Aloofcloud

I made a thread where I will be documenting my studies/ art things for the new year!  If you like the idea and make your own thread in the creators corner pls tell me so I can subscribe to it!!!!

Here is my thread:

it's time to get better at art >:( this will be the year I do it

So, I totally did not buy a class online and have access to a lot of workbook, and tutorials of said expensive class.  

That said, if you want the materials for free what you should not do is dm me asking for the rar file I did not make

on a totally unrelated note look at this cute art course: 


Happy New Years [ New years res?]

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by Aloofcloud

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well as we approach the new year!  This year has been...a rather eventful one for my roomate and I, but we made it.  Another chapter in ye old book, closed.  Now here I am making a new years resolution list I can hopefully achieve, but I'm over feeling guilty about not doing it anymore, if I do it, great! If I don't- well there is always next year!

New years resolution:

Make more money(please give me a raise, work, I'm worth it)


Find an art style I like for myself [dislike my current one....]

Draw backgrounds....[Do I make this one every year and give up on it? yes]

read more books on my to be read list...its growing and Im not making any headway

and thats all, I used to put things like work out, and etc on the list but honestly? I'm not doing that...I KNOOOW I'm not doing that...but I did manage to eat healthier this year, so that's a W. 

What are you guys hoping to do better with or achieve in the new year? I WANNA KNOW

Art Trades! [Open]

Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by Art Trades! [Open] Aloofcloud

Figured I'd make this 'character' ad, to track my art trades!  Art trades are great between art fights. All info is in IC

You know, I've been playing a lot of Baldur's gate recently, dnd, and it's got me thinking about alignments, and how the foxes could be characterized.  (not in dnd specefic alignments but just good, neutral, and evil) SO LET'S UNPACK.  

First off it's really easy to say they could all fall under 'evil' from a human's perspective, and if they were real honestly- I would put them there myself.  I mean they eat humans for crying out loud and I'm human, I'm going to be a hater.  

But from a literature stand point, do we consider lions evil because they eat and kill prey? No. For me when it comes to what makes a character evil, or good is their intentions, the reason behind their actions.

The Good

There is only ONE character I can fully put in here without question and to no surprise that is Four. She will not eat people even with her life on the line, she starves herself every day, and uses her own energy to heal others.  If you looked up selfless in the dictionary it would just be a picture of her.  She'll help all those in her power that she can, but she does prioritize family first- as many do so I can't knock her out of this category for just that.  She tries to live a 'do no harm' life, even if someone is attacking her.  (if she smacked them back I personally think she's still good, self defense-)

The Neutral

These guys are just eating to survive, they have no qualms with people or any malicious intent, bitches just gotta eat.  There isn't much to say about them other than that, most people don't cry over the chicken or cows they eat, these guys are the same with their meals.  Dos, Roku, and Seven.

The ugly smelly bastards

Uno- now why is he in here?  He only eats the people who consent you may argue, shouldn't he be neutral?  Uno is the only one I'm on the fence about, and I used to argue he was neutral myself, but after sitting down and thinking about it I've moved him here.  Uno didn't always get consent (not that they need're not going to ask a rabbit if its cool to eat them...) but worse than that, he'd take his anger out on victims in his fits when he was younger and felt trapped under his parents.  Women, children, didn't matter, if you got caught around Uno in a bad mood it was over.  And to a degree he can still get like that, Uno see's humans as meals yes, but he also sees them as annoying ants.  Annoy him enough simply because he's in a mood and he'll snuff you out.  He's also quite sadistic when it comes to people he dislikes (Like Four...)

Novem - Oh boy.  This man is irredeemable(don't come for me Novem apologists)  He doesn't even kill for food, he does it for convenience, it's easier to just kill those causing him any sort of grief than to just ignore it.  Sure he's been warped by his own grief, but that is not an excuse for the lengths Novem goes through.  He manipulates people to keep them as pawns, making them genuinely feel as if they mean something to him- but if they died, Tres and Una included, Novem's response would be as if he was facing a minor inconvenience.  He is the definition of Selfish, a parallel to Four.      

Thank you for coming to my ted talk

AU Winner Reveal + Sneak Peek!

Posted 7 months, 22 days ago by Aloofcloud


"I've lost everything.  But I will stop at nothing to right what was wrong.  I will not be the final girl." 

Final girl Four is the winner!

Some quick notes about this Au, Novem killed their whole family, an Four only survived due to her insane healing, instead of dying she went into a coma. only to wake to her whole family and loved ones DEAD.

This Four will be colder, she will keep a distance from everyone as her main goal is to revive her family members....

This means she has TO EAT to store energy, so human are on the table...literarlly.   She's not proud of it, but shes putting her feelings aside.

She's MARRIED. She married a strong demon who has a lot of ties, their relationship is purely an alliance, not romantic at all.  He sees her more a trophy and she does not care about him at all.  

The whole story will come in October 1st!  As well as the full picture <3.  Thanks to all who participated.

Commission Boost! [Cutest Icons ever]

Posted 8 months, 20 days ago by Aloofcloud

My friend Anithefail has opened commission on toyhouse and made threads on it!  

You can find pagedolls and icons in this thread:

AND she's even opened a spicy thread for nsfw:

Here are some examples I've commissioned Ani for before:




Life update + AU Special Poll[ pls vote]

Posted 9 months, 9 days ago by Aloofcloud

Pick an AU!

2 Votes Vampire
0 Votes Witch
1 Votes Ghost
0 Votes Apocalypses
0 Votes Supernatural Hunter
3 Votes Final Girl/ Final boy AU
1 Votes Slasher Au

Hello everyone first and foremost the poll!  What's it for?  For October/Halloween I will be giving a character an Halloween ish themed AU to participate in Forum games during the month of October!  (And forward here and there but not before).  That's where you all come in, I need you all to decide what and who gets the AU.  The reason I'm doing this so early is I'll want one commission, and time to make the profile before 'launch' LMAO.   Please Vote and comment which OC out of this list gets the AU, thanks!

The characters who qualify are:




and Isaac

Life update: The breeder placed me with a new child as she felt bad that I had lost my other one, everyone meet Artemis!  I'm of course still grieving the loss of Clementine and not a day goes by that I don't tear up just thinking about her, but this is very helpful, and fills the void that was left with Clementine's departure. 


Again please vote + comment so I know what AU for who you're voting on, TYSM

tw: Pet loss

Posted 9 months, 22 days ago by Aloofcloud

My kitten clementine passed today during surgery.  She had contracted FIP, and didn't make it,  She was only 4 months old.  

Suffice to say, I'll be gone for a bit.