Pirate area

There’s a ship in the center of the room, a chest filled with prizes up by the helm that the lucky kid can go though if they decide to take on the quest of the thieving scoundrel.

there’s the brig in the bottom of the ship that is one way glass so the parents and guards can see what’s going on, the prisons are kept down there, that the kid can speak to to get quests.

or at the lookout point the kid can climb up and meet with the lookout who gives them quests that NightMoon would agree to.

all on the ship there are plenty of things the kid can do.

a  certain time NightMoon will go off the ship and gather up kiddos to go on a treasure hunt with him and Johni along with two guards.

(This whole thing is still a wip so I’m still going to add on things)