Fraud ⭕️

Fraud: The eighth circle is also divided into ten trenches, punishing various forms of fraud:

Panderers and Seducers: They are whipped by demons as they run endlessly.

Flatterers: Immersed in human excrement, representing the falsity of their words.

Simoniacs: Buried upside down in rock with their feet set on fire, representing the buying and selling of spiritual offices.

Sorcerers, False Prophets, and Sowers of Discord: Mutilated and disfigured by demons.

Corrupt Politicians: Submerged in a lake of boiling pitch, symbolizing the sticky fingers of corruption.

Hypocrites: Cloaked in heavy leaden robes, representing the weight of their deception.

Thieves: Attacked by serpents and transformed into snakes, representing the treachery of their actions.

False Counselors: Encased in flames, representing the deceptive nature of their advice.

Sowers of Discord: Slashed open and their body parts separated from each other.

Falsifiers: Plagued by various diseases and madness, representing the corruption of their actions.