
Vampires - beings that live way too long, can play with power and blood, their strenght exceeds human's way more, and to add they do not have anything to fear. With their strenght and huge egos, most vampires are the worst nightmare in this twisted world. Yet it's not like they live to kill. They also have their families, problems and dreams.

Most vampires can be easily categorized in either Pure Blood (those who come from pure vampire lienage) or Tainted Blood (those who family isn't pure, those who got changed into vampire, and those whose Blood got cursed, making them simply unpure). Some says there exists a Dead Blood vampire, which would mean a vampire who died but is still alive - but how could that be possible? What for sure is true, is the rise of Neo Vampires - a human made creatures based on vampire's DNA. Although NV aren't threated like a problem for now by Royal Vampires.

Royal Vampires are special Pure Blood that simply bear higher status than others. They often have more privilaeges but also take care of important matters, usually matters that are unknown to normal vampires. They are also the ones that protect and make sure everone abides to The Rules.

Rules are indeed a 'thing of the past', but even after so many years, vampires still do their best to live according to them. They were once set by very powerful individuals and they did bring a change to how vampires lived - and so they became the law of their lifes. Although there are still those who break The Rules, but usually they are dealt with quite quickly.