Vikings 📯

Been playing School of Dragons since the wee-ol' beginning. Veteran? Sure, if you want to call me that.

These were my active characters, listed based on their creation order on my profile. Serpenteye is my OP-Deadly-Nadder-hoarding child and is the most spoiled, but I love them all unconditionally.

Thank you for the wild ride, SoD. I will sincerely miss you for the ten years of escapism, fun, and fantasy you gave my childhood and, honestly, adulthood. I don't regret a single second of playing. Thank you for letting me meet my beloved dragons and thank you for allowing me to fly, albeit digital, skies. Thank you for allowing me to meet the amazing community that I am humble of being able to call my friends. And thank you for opening my world just a little bit more.

Rest in beloved peace, 2013 - 2023

HTTYD Dragon Fantasy Furry Not for trade Not for sale School of Dragons Re-lore Anthro SoD Elder Scrolls Redesign Night Fury Creature Skyrim Demigod Circleverse Light Fury God Wood Elf