Soulward Bound

The world is ravaged by monsters and dangers that lurk in every shadow. Secret foundations - titled Guilds - work hard to defeat them and protect innocents. Animals and humans partner up to strive for this, with various roles to play...and with hundreds of magic spells. The partners create a lifelong bond, stronger than any magic or curse could ever hope to be.

In recent times, however, new threats have begun to arise with no explanations. People are caught in the waves of tragedy and strife from a history they don't even know of. Something has been growing over the years. And soon, the Guilds themselves may fall...

Soulward Bound follows the stories of a group of young adults and their animal companions as they fight against things that threaten everything that holds meaning to them. Codiak Gorman and her wolf partner Trekla soon find themselves in far more than they ever imagined.
This series is still heavily in development. The goal is to make it an official animated series someday.