Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

gn63kkvlj6171.jpg?auto=webp&s=eff55fec11Hi, if u wanna see my juicy characters we gotta set a fiew rules straight. Ok pal?

1rst rule: no nudity nor sexual content. (Put yo pants back on)

2nd rule: ill gladly accept violence and blood, but dont come at me with a drawing of a whole homicide. Id like to not rip my eyes out

3rd rule (THE MOST IMPORTANT): have fun. U can do pretty much all you want with my ocs. Change clothes, palette and even gender if u want idc :)

Now the sad, not fun part. Some of my characters are made for a fighting game. So there will kost certaintely be some violence and blood here and there. If it makes you feel unwell, pls domt check my profile :0.

Thats pretty much it! Enjoy!  

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