Four Seasons

A world separate from my main ocs, filled with characters I made in 2005. Plan on working on the lore and what not soon, but I'll jot down what I have so far! It might not be perfect, but I'll work on it here and there.

-In this world, there are four continents that are governed by a god. Each continent stays the same season (or at least seems to) all year round. This world is populated by hybrid animals, some of which have control over an element. The ones that were blessed with elemental control have a gem on their forehead, the color representing the element which they control. Long ago, some of the animals became corrupt and turned into demons. The demonic bloodline can be passed on to offspring, and sometimes be sealed off by magical ornaments. Some animals have control over a special element, and are considered demi-gods.

There are 7 standard elements. Animals usually have control over one, very rarely with one have the ability to control two. Only the gods can control more than two elements. There are four known special elements. The elements an animal can control depends on the continent they're from. Standard elements are Water, Wind, Plant, Fire, Lightning, Earth, and Ice. The special elements are light, dark, sun, and moon.

Continents and elements associated with them:
Land of Spring: Plant, water, wind
Land of Summer: Fire, water, plant
Land of Autumn: Lightning, earth, wind
Land of Winter: Ice, wind, earth

Character's designs and color scheme usually differ from region to region. Ex, characters from the Land of Spring are usually colorful, Characters from the Land of Winter are white, ect. There are some exceptions for this tho, such as mutations, or if the parents were from another region. It's rare for a native winter animal with native winter parents to be born with colors other than white or grey for example. It's quite rare for an animal to be born with an element outside their region (with or without parents from other regions). Animals can migrate to other regions, but if they're not equipped to survive in that region, they might possibly die or become very ill. The majority are able to adopt tho, such as winter animals shedding fur if they move to a warmer region, or summer animals growing out fur if they move to a colder climate.