◈ Pantry ◈




Personal Folders Directory

Welcome to my personal folders directory.

Everything is neatly separated by sections, to make it easier to navigate, instead of just having my folders within folders, within folders, within-- Uuuh, you get the idea.

If you are here it must mean you're curious about my characters and what not. c:

Feel free to look around, comment, or favorite, I don't mind!

If you are looking for trades, I'll redirect you once more to my shop, as none of the characters in this section here are up for offers. :)

Most profiles are still a work in progress, as I have only recently started using my toyhouse.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!


This is where I house all my essential characters!

They help me express my feelings and thoughts, or make my work more interactive and fun. ♡


This is a folder for personal characters that I might use to express myself in either opinions or shenanigans, or that I enjoy for one reason or another.

Ether if it is a Persona or a Mascot, these characters still have their own stories and personalities, some are just closer to my own than others.


This curious little village hosts some of my main NPC characters, that are used not only for stories and roleplays, but also for hosting events and other small fun things surrounding my world's lores.

Bakersville is full of its own little secrets, and can be seen as a hub world of knowledge of other stories and worlds itself!

Worlds and Tales

These are my personal stories and projects.

Some of them might be tied with certain closed species, and some might just be for my own personal story telling and roleplays.

I might allow people to create their own roleplays in certain scenarios, while others might not be avaliable to the public.

Tag Guideline

- Open (Public)
Anyone can use these setting for their own roleplays! Please remember to read about the world lore, and be mindful of how to use the setting. :D

- Semi Open (Requirements)
These are probably tied to one of my species, the worlds I use for them, or stories in development. In any case, these require authorization before being used, but if you have a character acquired from me from this world it is likely that you are free to use them within it!

- Closed (Personal)
These are personal stories I'm developing mostly for myself or with friends. Sometimes I will place worlds in development under this tag until they are ready to be released. Please do not create OCs or use these scenarios for any other purpose, thank you.

In any case, please check each of the folders for more details and other info!
Thank you! :D


One of my biggest massive multi-worlds project that I've been trying to develop for a few years now.

That one will take a while to get off the ground, so this area is mostly a big WIP for the moment, but you might see small and slow development here and there!


A mysterious forest surrounded by fog and mist that seem to exist in its own reality.

A village exists in this clearing, and on the center, a large clock tower that open up it's doors from time to time when visitors arrive.

Four hubs lead you to different forests that expand eternally in their respective perpetual seasons. Maybe you would like to visit one. :)


This is a very long ongoing roleplay I've had with Chibi/Shark for quite a while now - we've worked on it for some years, so there are just a lot of personal characters in it.

The story has evolved with time, and I might make a short summary, but since there are so many characters, it can get confusing at times.

To make it short: it revolves around a very troublesome city that works as a magnet for natural world spirits and gods, but that favored certain groups over the course of decades, until the whole place itself became a corrupted mess.


My overall species directory - I like to keep it organized in a way that will help me remember where each character came from, but also help inform other people about it in case they have any interest as well.

These folders work more like archives, since most of the species characters I own tend to be linked into my personal stories (In case you see doubles around my folders) - but of course, sometimes I'll definitely develop them in their own original lore worlds as well.

Optional Addendum ♡

Species in my opinion can be pretty fun to design sometimes.

Ether they are original, or a different take on an already existing mythos or concept, I think a lot of the art or ideas that accompany these can be appealing or just enjoyable to work with! I'm not super active on species groups, but sometimes I'll definately try to get into MYO events or raffles and see where it goes. :D

If you like them or not, I like to respect everyone's opinions, and I understand perfectly that they might not be everyone's cup of tea. No judgments whatsoever, I myself feel there are a lot of pros and cons about species too.
However,I'd also like to be respected when it comes to my own enjoyment of them as well.

Thank you so much in advance ♡


Open species allow anyone to create or adopt characters from them!

As long as you follow their guidelines, it's always a good way to have fun. ♡


Semi-Open species allow participants to join under certain requirements!

Often times they allow you to create your first character for free, but with some restrictions, such as a non-trading policy.


Those are species where you can only create a character via MYO (make your own) or acquire them via trading, events, or contests.

They are usually not open to the public, but its always worth to check if they have a free event going on from time to time. :D

Other Media

More to be added soon!

I will add characters from MMos and other fan creations here. :)




Uuuuuh no idea yet idek free space wahooo


All the tags I possibly use for easier search!