Arca9cade's Profile Comments

Hey I know this is random but I recommend uploading your art to the characters/or in general! That way you can see how far you've come ya know? ☺️ (Hope this isn't too intrusive! I am sorry if it is. I just have a strong love for art & enjoy seeing an artist improve over time! ☺️ cuz heck I didn't know I improved until someone pointed it out/eventually saw it for myself) 

Hiya! No worries your not being too intrusive I totally understand you're point! I've been trying to be better about posting my old art for that reason! I'm not the best about it but I'm working on it and I've made progress! I used to be solely a traditional artist and I'd throw almost all my art away because I didn't like it and I put so much pressure on myself for the product to be good and when it didn't meet my standards I just tossed and I'd just give up on art all together for long periods of time but now I just do it for fun even if it's only semi consistently sometimes cause of life! Sometimes I can't bring myself to post stuff or even just forget but I'm trying to get better about posting stuff! Thanks for your kind words and I hope you have a good day :3!

Hii sorry to comment but were you interested in that freebie you favorited on mine? If so I’ll transfer it to you! 

No worries and yep I am interested in the freebie I favorited! 

Ok I’ll transfer it right to you then!!