

Curan are the healers of Elysium. Although they are the smallest faction due to a rebellion centuries ago, they are slowly rebuilding in number. Curan are often viewed by the other factions as treacherous, since they hold tighest to the old stories of "relgion" and "Starclan", often practicing some of the old traditions. However, they are a very necessary part oft he city, and thus are allowed to stay.

Any kitten wishing to leave Curan must go through a lengthy trial to prove they hold no loyalties to Curan. They must publicly disavow their former faction. Those descended from the 7 Survivors are not allowed to transfer. Any cat wishing to transfer into Curan often becomes an outcast of the other factions, seen as a traitor for joining "the rebellion" instead of staying loyal to Elysium, despite the fact that the civil war ended generations ago.

Curan members are represented by the bags they carry which store various herbs. They also often have wrappings wound around their limbs which can double as bandages in an emergency. Aside from these, there is no knowing what a Curan member might wear, as they are often called in to do tasks the other factions don't want to do, even though that is why the Factionless exist. Curan members descended from the 7 Survivors are marked by a bracelet with a set of wings on it.

Curan names are typically herbal, and the most reminiscent of the old warrior clan naming traditions. They also will somtimes have names reminiscent of the old tribes. Curan values devotion, instinct, and resilience, and their ranks are Trainee (apprentice) and Cloverleaf (warrior)

In order to become a Cloverleaf, a Trainee must spent two years learning about herbs and their uses, one year learning about the various rituals that Curan holds to. Their final test is seeing if their Trainee's will go through a ceremony that will introduce them to the heavenly city of Starbright, which is what Starclan became after the End of Humanity. The ceremony will assign the Cloverleaf to a secret ancestor, who will protect them during life, and aid them should they need it. If Starbright refuses to show itself to a Trainee, then the cat is made factionless for not holding true to Curan's beliefs. They have avoided several Royal Family assigned spies this way.