

Ivy Crawling on Stone

Just call me Ivy, it's a lot less of a mouthful~


  • AGE 21 years
  • FACTION Curan
  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • PELT Black self with mid-high white
  • HEIGHT 7.1 in.
  • OCCUPATION Curan Cloverleaf
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral Good
  • ORIENTATION Heterosexual
  • VOICE Rarity
  • THEME Fabulous


Ivy Crawling On Stone - or Ivy, as she often insists others call her - is a young Cloverleaf who has recently aquired her rank. However, she's not safe from The Game yet, she still has another year to go. Something that causes her no little worrying.

Ivy cannot wait to meet her mate, once he is assigned. She has already redesigned her nest, in the event that they are chosen to stay in her building. However, if they are moved, she also has the supplies necessary to pack up and move in less than a day.

Ivy was chosen in the 316th Game as one of Curan's champions. Although she knew from the start that a blind cat would be unable to survive, she still went in with the attitude to keep her fellow champions encouraged. ((to be continued after plot finished))



Ivy is incredibly organized, and she completes her work with scary levels of precision. She is also however, an incredible flirt. She has gotten scolded one too many times about keeping her focus on the patients wounds, not their "cute faces".

Ivy enjoys teasing her friends, as well as dressing them up for a night on the town. After all, everything needs to be perfect, and what's more perfect than fabulous?

Code by AviCode