

Valor are the brave faction. Defenders of Elysium, working to keep the cities borders safe. They often work alongside the tougher of the animal species such as canines or birds of prey. Their primary job is to ensure that outsiders do not disrupt Elysium's way of life, and that no-one leaves the city.

Valor members often wear spiked jewelry, or weapon enhancements such as claw-extenders. They are often riddled with scars, which they wear as a badge of pride. Valor members are also trained in weaponry, and work with Jurat to develop new technology that they are able to use better than the human weapons, which can get a bit clunky.

Valor names are often tough sounding, reminiscent of the names a "rogue" might have taken, in the days before the end of humans.

Valor values bravery, loyalty, and strength. Their ranks are named Tenderpaw (apprentice) and Ironfang (warrior). In order to become an Ironfang, Tenderpaws spend three years in battle training, before a final tournament style fight in which the top five members are accepted into the higher division of soldiers, while the rest are divided into lesser ranks. It is possible for a lower ranked Ironfang to rise and take command of others, but it is rare, and very difficult to do.