
The Elysian Fields

With the end of the Age of Humans, came the beginning of the Age of Animals. In the City of Elysium, four cats (Ironfang, Cloverleaf, Gardenheart, and Truthseeker) abandoned their clan and promised sanctuary to any creature, cat or otherwise, that would live under their rule. As the years passed, the four created factions based on the values they felt most important, while keeping themselves as royalty. Even after their passage, the city continued to work in this manner, and so do they live today.



"The strongest cat is nothing without wisdom behind his claws."

—King Truthseeker the Honest

Visit this page to learn more about the terminology and language used within The Elysian Fields (wip)



"Let the traitors fight to prove themselves loyal to the city, and let only the final Seven Survivors remain."

—Queen Icestep the Gamemaster

Visit this page to learn about The Game and its functions. (wip)



"Justice prevails where Vengance does not."

—King Sulfate the Wise

Visit this page to learn about the laws of Elysium, and the punishments for breaking them (wip).



"Some things are too small to be organized, while others, too large. We must strive for a perfect balance."

—Queen Gardenheart the Kind

Visit this page for other lore pieces that don't fit under Terminology, The Game, or The Law (wip)

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