Glassclan (Destinies



The cats of Glassclan live deep in a forest, far from twoleg touch. Their camp is hidden deep in a cave, which connects to a series of gemstone lined caverns. The clan believe heavily in the afterlife, and worship two sets of deities, first is Spirit, a glowing white tom with ethereal blue eyes, second is Secret, a pitch black she-cat with unnatural green eyes. However neither of these deities is strictly good or evil, for Glassclan walks the gray line, their ethics can be...questionable at times, but so long as their ancestors as pleased, Glassclan will continue.

The Deep Forest

The Deep Forest


The deep forest is a well preserved ancient cedar grove. The trees are massive behemoths, and the clan serves as the forests protectors. They use the gifts given to them by their ancestors to preserve the forest, and keep twolegs from finding them. Although they have no true "magical powers", each cat in Glassclan is connected to either Spirit or Secret, which grants them a different set of abilities. The Deep Forest is home to many animals, who have hidden themselves in the woods away from twolegs, and there is a wide assortment of creatures to be found.


  • TThe Deep Forest is a fantasy location inspired by Idaho's Giant Cedar glades, as well as the Cedars that grow on my families property back home.
  • Spirit and Secret are both old OCs I have repurposed into deities.
  • Each cat has a patron deity, and whichever one is their master dictates that cats tenets.
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Noteable Locations

The Camp A Safe Haven

The Camp lies in a cave set into a cliff beside a waterfall in the heart of The Deep Woods. It is accessible only by the cats of Glassclan, as part of their connection with the gods of the forest.

The Gem Caves An Ancestral Connection

When a cat is ready to die, or if they have fallen in battle, they will be brought to the Gem Caves. Once the cat is dead (if they have not already passed), their ghost will be claimed by their patron deity, and the body will fade away. Reversly, when a queen begins to kit, she will also be brough to the Gem Caves. When her kits are born, they will be claimed by one of the two deities, who will serve as that cats patron for their entire life.




Spiritwalkers are those who serve Spirit. Spiritwalkers lean towards the side of good, the life of the many over the life of few. Sacrifice and duty are very important to Spiritwalkers. When claimed by Spirit, a cat glow silver. This glow will return when the cat preforms something that Spirit deems worthy or correct.

Spiritwalker Abilities

  • Connection to the Forest
  • Heart of Righteousness
  • Eyes of the Just
  • Claws of Light

Noteable Members

Glass'star the first spiritwalker

Glass'star, founder of Glassclan, is the first known Spiritwalker. She created the clan solo, but in her wisdom, quickkly sought out a co-leader who would be a Secretkeeper, so that the clan would always be balanced.

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Secretkeepers are those that follow Secret. Secretkeepers walk on the side of evil, doing whatever needs to be done to acomplish their goal. Safety and Power are their highest goals. When claimed by Secret, a cat glows gold. This gold glow returns when a cat preforms an act that Secret approves of.

Secretkeeper Abilities

  • Connection to the Forest
  • Heart of Justice
  • Eyes of the Allknowing
  • Claws of Shadow

Noteable Members

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