Star's Paradise

Star's Paradise



【 Plot 】

On the planet earth lives Constellarian named, ArtStar RainbowCloud. After losing her own home when she was very young, she vows to protect Earth and all the the living things. It will prove to be a great challenge when other Constellarians are coming to destroy it. With the help of her friendly Constellarian friends and her best friend, Will GreyCloud, they will work together to stop these evil forces.

【 Lore 】


Constellarians are a type of alien species. They all look different and don't have a definite look, but one thing that they all share is that they give off a human appearance. No one knows where they come from or if they came from a specific plane. One thing for sure is that they're from outer space. Some have magic, others don't, they come in many forms. It is believed that they came from a galaxy that's far away from our own. It is also believed that they can travel from one dimension to another. They seem to have the ability to alter their appearance whenever they please, but rarely.

Like people, Constellarians can either be good, bad, or evil. Some Constellarians want peace and are willing to protect those who can't protect themselves. But some Constellarians crave destruction and chaos. Its hard to find many Constellarians since they come and go. Some will stay and populate on a planet while other would travel and explore the galaxy.

Constellarians don't have parents nor do they need to reproduce. They are born from the light and mass of the stars. They all just come into existence in whatever form they come out in. That's why so many of them don't look alike. It depends on the lightening, position and the adjustment of the planets that gives them their form and personality. Another thing about Constellarians is that they are immortal. They can live for thousands, even millions of years, but they can still die if they were to be seriously injured in some way. However, that doesn't mean that they can't start a family of their own. Some Constellarians has the option to carry their own child, but most decided not to.

【 Characters 】

Main Cast

ArtStar RainbowCloud


Will GreyCloud












