


10 months, 20 days ago




CREATOR: ArtStar2003
DESIGNER: ArtStar2003
VOICE: Unknown

AGE: Immortal (Adult Years)
BIRTHDAY: December 23, XXXX
SPECIES: Constellarian
HEIGHT: 6'2 ft(188 cm)


Being in groups
Kids toys


Loud sounds
People touching his wings
Bright light
Being alone


Astrophel is a big, tall guy. He may seem weak but he's actually pretty strong and can put up a fight. He has large wings that resemble angel wings. He can fly around easily with them due to how large and strong they are. However, despite how useful they are, they are hard to take care of and maintain and can sometimes be a struggle to move around with. Even though Constellarians can shape shift and Astrophel could easily hide his wings, he doesn't want to.

Astrophel does have magic. He can fly easily through outer space without the need for oxygen, like most Constellarians, he can change his form, and he can jump to different dimensions. Most Constellarians have their magic stored in different parts of themselves. For Astrophel, his magic is stored in his wings.


Astrophel is very reserve. He doesn't talk much and doesn't like taking part in any conversations. However, he's a good listener. He's also really smart and is good at thinking things through and knows how to handle situations. He only prefers to speak when necessary but if you want a response from him, he will only give simple answers such as, "no", "yes", or "maybe". He struggles to show emotion and express it like how other people would, and has a different way of understanding things. He may not show it, but he's very sensitive and cares deeply about his family and friends. He will always put others' needs before his own, and even though he prefers not to talk to others, he doesn't like being left alone either and he prefers to be in a group of people that he's familiar with.

[- STORY -]

Astrophel was raised and born on a planet called Duitera with his parents. His mother, Andromeda, and his father, Ciro. He lived there for most of his childhood years, and even became an older brother for one younger brother, Vesper and baby sister, ArtStar, to which he did a great job at taking care of. Unfortunately, when an evil group of Constellarians starts attacking their planet he was sent away by his parents to another planet where he could be safe. He landed on a planet called Ilnilara, a planet that's tropical and filled with life and nature. He was adopted by a group of bird species and they helped raise him to his adult years. But because Astrophel's lifespan is longer, the family that adopted him have died of old age.

Astrophel lives on Ilnilara and helps take care of a village that's filled with animal citizens to which they treat him as one of their own. Because he was strong and smart and helped them with everything, they deemed him as a leader, but Astrophel keeps telling them not to. One day, he was found by his little brother Vesper, and the two were happily reunited. Astrophel offered to help Vesper to look for their younger sister, ArtStar, so he had to sadly say goodbye to the village, to which they didn't mind. They bid their farewells and off Astrophel went with Vesper to look for ArtStar.

They found ArtStar on the planet Earth and once again, they happily reunited. However, things took a dark turn when Vesper asked both ArtStar and Astrophel to come back to their home planet to take revenge on the group of Constellarians that killed their parents. ArtStar refused, and so did Astrophel. Out of stress and panic, he flew away and went back to planet Ilnilara, to where he now stays to avoid conflict between his two siblings.



ArtStar RainbowCloud

ArtStar is Astrohpel's youngest sister. They care for each other very much, but after an argument with Vesper, they don't see each other anymore.



Vesper is Astrophel's little brother. They both are close and care for each other. When they were kids, they used to play games with each other. When Vesper tried to get Astrophel to join him in getting revenge on an evil group of Constellarians, Astrophel refused, which upsets Vesper. The two went their separate ways but they still miss each other.


Willl GreyCloud

They only interacted once when Astrophel found ArtStar. Astrophel likes Will and is happy that ArtStar made a friend while spending time on Earth.



Astrohpel heard stories about Erebus and knew a bit about his origins, however they never met in person. Astrophel dislikes Erebus for his violent plans and enjoyment of killing innocent people.



They've met once and the two have a strong hatred towards each other. Lynxtron tried to destroy Ilnilara, but Astrophel managed to beat him and cast him away from the planet where he cannot reach it ever again.

Code by Aurorean