AsheNightwind's Profile Comments

I'm sorry, I just made the most ungodly noise when I saw you had a .hack// OC ;A;

Tsukasa is my child ;w; so I absolutely HAVE TO draw Rikichi! It's the law! (if you look at my Fursona, TF, you can see I have his cheek tattoos on her ;w; TF stands for Tsukasa Fan lol) 

You have no idea how happy I am to find another of my tiny Fandom ;w; we are so few

OMG!!! Someone else who remembers the show! I love Tsukasa's character design, I had to make one for myself. Funny enough, it wasn't until last year that I finally settled on a color pallet for him...He's gone through the rainbow XD I'll see if I can find any of my older images of him to upload.

Have fun drawing him!

Yee!! .hack//sign was my first anime (not counting Pokémon, because you don't realize it's an anime when you're a kid) I used to sneak into the living room at midnight every Saturday (technically Sunday) and record episodes on VHS tapes. My mom eventually got sick of me spending all my money on blank VHS tapes, and got my the complete series DVD set. Tsukasa was a Pre-teen obsession of mine, and when my cousin taught me how to use Google (I wasn't a techy kid until age 11 or so) I learned that .hack// was so much bigger than //Sign. Games, books, Manga... I need to complete the first saga, but unfortunately my brother accidentally deleted my .hack//Infection save data from a Playstation 2 memory card. I have a deck of .hack//Enemy cards, though I sadly don't have a Tsukasa card, I know it exists. I think I have Bear or Mimiru though. I definitely have an Elk card. My cousin got me .hack//Another Birth, which was a novel from Black Rose's POV from the games, and I only recently found the second book in a second-hand nerd shop! My first Manga was .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, and my best friend and I used to laugh at the anime adaptation, and our jokes ended up making us spin it off and ended up in our long-running RP (if you look closely, you'll be able to spot some OCs who descend from that phase as they sport Black Rose/Rena style markings). And in the recent past, I Found the .hack//Link Manga, where Tsukasa is a secondary main character (which made me so happy ;w;  Subaru may not be as prominent a character in the series, but their relationship is still going strong in said series) unfortunately... They apparently abandoned translating it to English about 4 books in :/ at least, I haven't seen any more books. 

Sorry for the novel ;w; I don't get to nerd out too often! The Fandom seems so small. 

The alternative palettes would be interesting to see! o3o the only true fan character I've ever made was Silver Water, a female blademaster for a fan fiction that I touch every so often. 

I will have fun! :D 

Thanks so much for the art of Nate!! 

You're welcome!