Ashuri_CS's Bulletins

🍁 Advent Calendar made by XxleraX 🍁

Prompts and events are mostly hosted in the ashuri discord server.


👥 We have a discord server where we post announcements,
updates on the development of ashuri species, discord only events
and much much more! Feel free to come join us, you don't have to
own an ashuri to join the server or participate in some of the events!

Ashuri Discord →

ASHURI: Trade/Resell Center

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Ashuri_CS


🧹Bulletin will reset every 2 months.
⚠️Please make sure to read everything before submitting

➜ If you'd like to use the deviantart trade/resell center then go here:

*Once an Ashuri has been sold/traded/gifted, please make sure to comment on the [Ownership Transfer] bulletin so the new owner will be updated onto the masterlist
There you must fill-out another form to complete the transfers. 

⏰ Each time an Ashuri design or MYO slot gets traded/gifted/resold to a new owner it will have a 1 month cooldown, that means upon obtaining an Ashuri design or MYO slot you must wait a full 30 days before transferring that design or slot again to another person. 

⚠️If Ashuri trade/gift/resell transfers are not logged properly in the [Ownership Transfer Hub] the new owner will not be considered the true owner of that Ashuri and any ownership transfer done by the new owner will not be accepted. Transfer logs must also be approved by a moderator for the new owners to be accepted. Transfer cooldowns don't start until the transfer log has been approved by a moderator. 

❌ Blacklisted Users  ( BLACKLIST
[Avoid trading/selling/gifting Ashuri(s) to blacklisted users]


-  Comment on this bulletin if you're looking to trade/sell/buy an Ashuri or MYO slot.
-  Only Ashuris that are listed on the "Masterlist" can be traded/sold/transferred.
-  Make sure you have read and agreed to the "Terms of Service" before trading or re-selling.
-  Traded/Gifted Ashuri cannot be sold, they can only be re-traded or re-gifted. 
-  If you have multiple Ashuris please try to compile them into one comment.
-  MYO ashuri designs can only be sold for the same price as it was bought + commissioned art price + your art pieces.  
-  Please respect each other and be humble! 


▪ Ashuri: (links/screenshot/toyhouse/stash) 
▪ Masterlist Number: (#??? / K??? / Y???)
▪ Trade/Resell: (trade or resell)
▪ Price: (+ commissioned work / art by you) 
▪ Looking for: (what you're looking for) 
▪ Contact: (note/DMs/discord) 
▪ Note: (extra info.) 


 Looking for: (what type of ashuri/myo) 
▪ Offering: (what you're willing to offer) 
▪ Contact: (DMs/discord/etc.) 
▪ Note: (extra info.) 

ASHURI: Ownership Transfer Hub

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Ashuri_CS


We've created a bulleting board for users who prefer to use transfers on toyhouse instead of deviantart!

➜ If you'd prefer to do the transfers on deviantart here's a link the the journal:

This bulletin is to log every Ashuri transfer and to keep track of new owners. It's important and mandatory to always log since every transfer will be updated on the Ashuri Masterlist.
If you're looking to sell or trade your Ashuri feel free to use the "Trade/Resell Center" bulletin, you can also use the (#ashuri-market) channel on our discord server.


🚫 DO NOT compile multiple transfers in one form, for each transfer use a separate form and compile all the forms into one comment.

Only transfer Ashuri(s) to new owners on toyhouse once ownership has been confirmed on this bulletin by a mod to avoid any problems.

Each time an ashuri design or MYO slot gets traded/gifted/resold to a new owner it will have a 1 month cooldown, 
that means upon obtaining an Ashuri design or MYO slot you must wait a full 30 days before transferring that design or slot again to another person. 

⚠️If Ashuri trade/gift/resell transfers are not logged properly in the "Ownership Transfer Hub" the new owner will not be considered the true owner of that Ashuri and any ownership transfer done by the new owner will not be accepted. Transfer logs must also be approved by a moderator for the new owners to be accepted. Transfer cooldowns don't start until the transfer log has been approved by a moderator.

Blacklisted Users  ( BLACKLIST
[Please avoid trading/selling/gifting Ashuri(s) to blacklisted users]


  • Logging means you've already read and agreed to the ashuri "Terms of Service".
  • Any ashuri that has been sold, traded or gifted must be logged onto this bulletin.
  • Make sure that your ashuri or ashuri MYO slot is not under cooldown.
  • Only ashuris that are listed on the [Ashuri Masterlist] and under your name can be traded/sold/transferred.
  • Ashuris that are maked as (Trade/Gift only) in the [Ashuri Masterlist] can only be retraded/regifted.
  • To sell an ashuri marked as (Trade/Gift only) they must be appraised first. (*see TRADE, RESELL & GIFTING tab in the terms of service)
  • If it's a resell or partial trade + resell, including a price is always mandatory, please do not skip it.
  • When tagging another user make sure you @ them so they see your comment.
  • New owners must reply to the transfer comment with "Confirming" so it's confirmed.
  • Three way trades must be summed up into one comment instead of multiple comments. (➜ example)
  • When transferring twins to a new owner/owners, forms for both twins must be posted together in one comment.
  • Irrelevant comments will later be hidden to keep things clean.
  • ⚠️Price must ALWAYS be included in every form (including myo slots, adopts, etc.)





🚫 DO NOT compile multiple transfers in one form, for each transfer use a separate form and compile all the forms into one comment.
Form must be completely filled, don't miss out any important info.

▪ Previous Owner: (please make sure to put both your deviantart and toyhouse username if the ashuri is registered to your deviantart account)
▪ New Owner: (toyhouse username)
▪ Ashuri/Slot: (link/screenshot/toyhouse to ashuri or just type "MYO slot")  
▪ Type: (official, mod, premade, GA, MYO slot)
▪ Masterlist Number: (#??? | K??? | Y???)
▪ Transfer Method: (trade/gift/resell+make sure to always include the price of resell)
▪ Date transferred: (month/day/year | mm/dd/yyyy )  
⚠️IMPORTANT: Transfers will not be accepted until new owner replies to confirm!

- Official: Ashuri designs made by hakiren , the species owner.
- Mod: Ashuri designs made by the CS moderators.
- Premade: Ashuri designs created with Ashuri MYO slots.
- GA: Guest artist Ashuri designs.

⚠️ If the ashuri is on authorized only, please authorize this account (Ashuri_CS) temporarily so we can confirm the correct ashuri has been transferred.

Thank you ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧