AthenaBean's Bulletins

To do (repost)

Posted 12 days, 8 hours ago by AthenaBean

Just a small thing to keep track of payment art/freebies. This will be constantly edited btw!


✅️ Finished

⛔️ Not started

⭕️ In progress


Such empty :')


✅️Apocalypse_inferno: 2 flatscale FB

✅Alguito_Humilde: 1HB, 1FB

✅SnailArcade: 1FB

✅️Ray_NightDemon: 3FB


⭕️ IAmKingDedede

⛔️ CrzzyCat

⛔️ vexusiek


⭕️ Macarrones05

⛔️ twinskeletons

⛔️ lupinthethird

⛔️ delusionaleks

Edit (Apr 26): Art may be slow due to some mild mental struggles


Posted 15 days, 1 hour ago by AthenaBean

There's a cool raffle I found here! The character looks cool and cute too!

My To Do's/Finished List

Posted 1 month, 4 days ago by AthenaBean

Just a small thing to keep track of payment art/freebies. This will be constantly edited btw!


✅️ Finished

⛔️ Not started

⭕️ In progress


Such empty :')


✅️Apocalypse_inferno: 2 flatscale FB

✅Alguito_Humilde: 1HB, 1FB

✅SnailArcade: 1FB

⭕️Ray_NightDemon: 3FB


⭕️ IAmKingDedede

⛔️ CrzzyCat

⛔️ vexusiek


⭕️ Macarrones05

⛔️ twinskeletons

⛔️ lupinthethird

⛔️ delusionaleks

Edit (Apr 26): Art may be slow due to some mild mental struggles

If there's anyone in my followers that are in the discord server 'Wings of Artists', leave that server NOW. The people that run that server are completely toxic (with the acception of one mod). I'm calling out this server along with friends to save people from suffering the same drama and shit that my friends and I went through.My experiences from that server:

-I was used-

The moderator Atlas or better known as ChimeraClawz on DeviantArt and Savannah-Clawz here on Toyhouse, has only used me for my art. I had given her 4 customs, and two art pieces, while she had owed me art from even months prior. I had spoke to her about it but blamed me for not reminding her (yet saying she had the owed art recorded on a list anyway).Other than her using me, she is only using her mod status to get away with breaking rules, and she had chosen to favorite other users who are in the wrong instead of listening to the people who are trying to de-esculate the situation. Deleting messages before another mod could take screenshots to report. Telling people to not speak about drama, then starts pulling up her own drama. She has been blacklisted off many servers, for reasons I am unaware of. She claims to tell the other mods to leave the strikes to Reborn(the server's creator) instead of giving them out when needed to be, however she then threatens users with strikes when they did nothing wrong. ChimeraClawz also manipulates people when she doesn't get her way and makes up sorry excuses about "struggling" then we see her play videogames for 10+ hours. She owes art to multiple people (me included) with 25+ dollars she never gets to start from 2 years ago, blaming that she "lost her list". She backs up a person who openly abuses their dog on the server, even though it is clearly wrong to support people like this.

There are plenty more reasons but I have bigger topics.

-The Toxic users-

There are MANY people who are toxic and inappropriate on the server. I can't say all of them bc that would take too long. But people are rude, disrespectful, and never followed the rules. These people even actively steal art, support AI art, and harass/stalk others outside the server.

-The Server's Creator-

Pretty sure everyone knows about xTheDragonRebornx  here... One of the biggest artists in the WoF fandom. Yes I am aware of the past drama already. No I DO NOT support it!

But this is a completely different matter.

All of my friends have reported CONSTANTLY about problems within the server, I myself couldn't dm her because I had already left the server before the real drama started. 

She never responded to the reports, even when she's online. She refuses to listen. And due to that she is dooming WoA to be shut down by her own free will. If she cared about the users, she would've done something by now. She keeps posting her interpretation events like nothing is wrong at all. Not to mention, she accused my friend for harassing her in dms for only sending 3 messages over a 1 week span for bringing up the server's issue.

This is a warning and heads up to people both outside the server and to those who may be in it, PLEASE, PLEASE heed this post! And share this around if possible and save others from getting into unnecessary trouble!

I understand if you think we're overreacting about a server, however, people supporting animal abuse, harassment and bullying, ai art and stealing art, and overall showing disrespect without any warnings or punishments is not something that should be spoken about quietly, and the fact they go unnoticed and the people who speak up get threatened shouldn't be tolerated in any circumstances.

And please share this post around! This cannot go unnoticed!

Please go read my friends posts on the same matter from Unknown58530 and M33ZAH 

Unknown's post: 

M33ZAH's post: 

Art Status

Posted 5 months, 11 days ago by AthenaBean

Art status

Art Trades: open

Requests: open

Commissions: open (DeviantArt points only)

How to reach me

You can message me on these platforms, if you aren't on these then you can comment on my page here.

DeviantArt: KiwiFluff2008

Discord: mother_of_skelegons

Insta.: athena_shattershield


Any comments accusing about me supporting in inappropriate behavior of ANY artist will be immediately deleted and blocked. Please. I do not want to be a part of it nor do I want to start drama. I only want peace. Please refrain from commenting unnecessary rude comments and/or start drama. It will be considered harassment.