
Home to MarshClan, part of the Stars Guide Us ARPG on Chickensmoothie.

Dark sclera Accessories Whiskers Expression edit Alternate magic I Water Plant Fire Love Air Unnatural color Faunal Light Lightning Claws Bardic Unnatural markings Missing limb Hair Full eye Earth Alternate I Trickster Genesplice Shorter fur Unnatural pattern Total heterochromia Fungal Healing dilute Eye shape edit merle kaloula Metal Alternate magic II Dance Weight edit Ear tuft rainfall nomerle Melenistic Longer Fur freckled Halo Form change Extra tail Astral Expressive ear edit silver stripedwhite Ear tufts Plants red Bioluminescence Longer fur Poison Magic expression blixt reversepoint Shaped pupil Ice Partial heterochromia Hybrid Custom lined curly eryth Arcane Fang edit