

These characters are very important to me, I often use them to represent me and hold a very special place in my heart and I use them regularly. Zenruleum is a major OC of mine, though he may not be my personality, he still represents me artistically. Mesta is a very valuable character with an intricate story and can only be viewed by certain people. AvarielFlos is the least used. She is not my mascot, but a character made off of my handle and holds great meaning as my handle is used across many different platforms. 

 Zenruleum   Mesta   AvarielFlos


I love my dragons, I have many of different types from dragons inspired or make from Wings of FIre, to dragons inspired by How to Train Your Dragon, or closed species from other creators. I am sure I will collect more of them in the future, dragons play a large role in my life as they inspired me to draw. I take their naming very seriously as every name has a meaning or backstory, though some may be more complex than others. Asterous and Chloe are very important dragons to me. 

 Asterous   Chloe   Furies   Closed Species 


My various humanoid characters are linked to many different worlds. Many are hidden away as they are very precious and important characters that I do not wish to be viewed or stolen by others. They are also apart of specific Role Play universes with various details within their profiles not just about them as characters, but also the world they live in and their connections to other characters in my ToyHouse. If you wish to know more about their worlds, they are linked to them in TH.

 Calcifer   Fox   Ryu   Hvezdair 

Closed Species

I own various Closed Species, from Illicos, to SnapDragons and Crystalline Cats. I can be fairly specific about the designs that I choose, but all of my species are loved and hoarded in hopes of giving them a good home full of attention and affection. 

Toivo is a Closed Species of my own creation, if you wish to know more about them go to my World Vivium and search under Kūní.

 Toivo   Crystalline Cats   Illicos   SnapDragons 


I have many other characters that have homes in many different universes, but are no less loved. They reside here where their stories are grown and developed. Though not many are linked to worlds, I do hope of some day incorporating them into stories of their own, created by myself or others. 

 Canines   Ponies   Creatures   Machines 

For Sale

These characters are for sale, trade, offer, etc. I have lost a connection or never had one to them. I am willing to offer art is needed for sales.

 Dragons   Wolves   Ponies 

HTML by Eggy