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 - Planet Name: Merus
 - Temperatures: -100° / +50°

  - Continent: Revar
    Countries in Revar: Amestra, Imioce, Nanchke

  - Continent: Aneastri
    Countries in Aneastri: Tiryun, Zcamek

  - Continent: Rivell
    Countries in Rivell: Nukyan, Guds Rike

  - Continent: Miral
    Countries in Miral: Miral

  - Country: Amestra (People: Amstrestren)
    Capital: Ricmeras
    Big Cities: Emas, Lamek, Kef, Larrberj, Rotnant, Salamea
    Temperature: -35° / 20°
    Weather: Foggy, Stormy (Snow, Rain, Hail), sunny
    Area: Big forests, mountains, rivers & lakes
    Culture: Amestra is the most by humans populated country and with that brings a lot of diseases and political conflicts. The overpopulation of the landmass quickly leads to more and more people fleeing, to live in another country, where they have better chances of affording a home and getting a job. Theories say that in order to keep overpopulation at bay, the king of Amestra has requested of all criminals to be killed, regardless of the severity of their crime. 
 Amestras landmass was hit by a meteor thousands of years ago, creating a giant crater which has now been reclaimed by flaura and fauna, as several rivers flow into the several kilometres wide landmass, collecting a giant lake in the center, which surrounds the meteor itself, which over time has sunken into the earth and has been covered by plants, however, the king of Amestra himself has decided on claiming the, once holy, land to himself and built his castle atop of it, made out of the fine alien material, which allows it its fine black and golden texture. Priests have tried to convince the king for years of the meteors apparent 'curse', although he denies their advice and has bought the churches love by building them a church of the meteors stone.

  - Country: Nanchke (People: Nanchkes)
    Capital: Osciz
    Big Cities: Taimar, Olar, Maie, Hillburg, Omniseus, Rodent, Alkabar
    Temperature: -10° / 44°
    Weather: Cloudy, rainy, rarely hail, sunny, foggy
    Area: Big wastelands & jungles, lakes
    Culture: Nanchke is a country with strict rules, but equally persistant criminals. It holds the largest collection of markets known to mankind, also often referred to as 'Marescus market', named after an old but mostly unknown priest (Marescus Philem) who opened the market thousands of years ago to the whole world, allowing for new riches to flow through the countries veins, in order to regain their financial stability, which has now led them to stand equal in worth and glory next to countries like Amestra and Nukyan. With the market itself however also comes a large variety of black markets, that are scattered across different cities and some theorize that occasional rare weapons crafted out of Amestras meteors core.

  - Country: Nukyan (People: Nukyanen)
    Capital: Esmarr
    Big Cities: Haner, Ranfor, Hainzbar, Gaizarr, Kobatarr, Rotcliff, Hilkber, Cetus (Abandoned)
    Temperature: -20° / 30°
    Weather: Cloudy, Stormy (Hail, rain, snow), sunny
    Area: Rocky, canyons, forests, rivers
    Culture: Nukyan was the origin of shape shifters (metatropéas homorem) and most of the today living species are descend from the first Nukya's, as they were called. Later many wars were started over the landmass, which was mostly nature at that time, and a lot of blood was shed for years, which ended in a contract, which split the land in several lands, Nurren, Yane and Keirr, though they later fused, and established 'Nukyan'.

 - Country: Tiryun (People: Tiryus)
   Capital: Zeztos
   Big Cities: Hannal, Actz mer, Riff
   Temperature: -15° / 40°
   Weather: Cloudy, Rainy, hail, sunny
   Area: Jungles and wastelands, many islands and very close to the ocean
   Culture: The country was first named Anel, after the wife of the man who found it, which also was part of his proposal at that time, but later the country got renamed to Tiryun, as most disliked the story behind it and believed it wasn't suitable for a country. It was one of the later found landmasses, since most thought there would be no end to the large wastelands of Zcamek, until Robin Karter sailed around the continent with his ship 'Starstrike' and found the jungles of Tiryun, where he and his wife lived and and finally disappeared on a stormy night, leaving their children behind who started the first noble family, which by this day still is well known, even though some members of that family rather not be associated with the familyname, as they appear to have a cannibalistic past in the great war, where food was rare, and the shame lived on in the family.

 - Country: Imioce (People: Imicis)
   Capital: Hanleff 
   Big Cities: Ameuz, Hibeb, Anz moi, Rear, Acloaf, Hibenai
   Temperature: -45° / 35°
   Weather: Stormy (Snow, rain, hail), sunny, foggy, windy
   Area: Close to the beach, many hills and grassareas, small forests

 - Country: Zcamek (People: Zcamen)
   Capital: Homirr
   Big Cities: Ibiz (Biggest Blackmarket), Mizu, Amaker, Hollowtor, Ramezis
   Temperature: -10° / 45°
   Weather: Sandstorms, Sunny, windy
   Area: Has the biggest wasteland of Aneastri, with two giant rivers called (the twin dragons/Dvini de dracos) flowing through it, nobody tried to go far into the wasteland and is known as cursed land, so it remained unexplored.

 - Country: Guds Rike (People: Rikbürdens)
   Capital: Malen (abandoned)
   Big Cities: Horran (abandoned)
   Temperature: -6° / 40°
   Weather: Rainy, foggy, sunny
   Area: A in forests and mountains covered small country with many ruins and some places of worship, you will rarely find humanoid creatures in this country, since it was mostly unexplored and called realm of gods and with that believed to be holy ground, only some monks or sinners enter this 'country' to pray or purge their soul and spirit or to meditate, as there are several old temples within the forests and jungles.
   Culture: As barely any humanoid creature lives here, the creatures living here have their own way of living. Some theories say that mixed under normal animals, are holy spirits and even the gods themselves, who hide within the body of an animal, but are capable of the human speech and will talk to those that are worthy. For the reason of the gods living within any type of creature, the monks and members of the religion will be very rarely eating meat and hunting in Guds Rike is a crime that will be punished as such. The land was believed to be the first one to be created by the gods, although other versions of the story state that it was the first land mass to be populated by gods, which would explain the temples that are spread across the massive landmass.

 - Country: Miral (People: Mires)
   Capital: Ames
   Big Cities: Ranc, Ikcez, Pafor (Abandoned), Rune
   Temperature: -90° /
   Weather: Stormy (Snow/Hail), windy
   Area: Mountains, some active and extinct volcanoes, rocky, always in snow covered ground, frozen lakes and beaches, traces of forests can be found around some volcanoes
   Culture: The people of Miral only came to the land 4,4k years ago, although signs of an old civilization were found under the ice, noone is really aware of the story of the city and those that travelled there came for the rare diamonds and gold that were burried deep within the ice and out of that group, cities were build that are hidden behind massive stonewalls, that hide them from the beasts that live in these cold wastelands. Miral is surrounded with a lot of myths, as skeletons of massive beasts were found within the ice and some citizens reported immortal beasts and demonic creatures that attacked at night, leading to a rule that noone questioned after a while: Keep inside at night.

 - Country: Rodenoi (People: ???)
   Capital: /
   Big Cities: /
   Temperature: -85° / 1°
   Weather: Stormy (Snow/Hail), windy
   Area: Mountains, rocky, always in snow covered ground, frozen lakes and beaches, icy wastelands.

'Half' Islands:
- Island: Ibiska (People: Ibiskaner)
   Capital: Moonis
   Big Cities: Hakor, Ronan
   Temperature: -80° / 10°
   Weather: Windy, stormy (snow, hail, rarely rain), foggy
   Area: Snow covered island, surrounded by ice with some trees and cliffs
   Culture: Ibisca is known as a fisherisland, as most of the people living there earn their living by selling fish, which was the start of the island being populated and by now there is a big community of hunters and fishermen, that appear to be very close with eachother. 

- Island: Olana (People: Oleren)
   Capital: /
   Big Cities: /
   Temperature: -50° / 20°
   Weather: Windy, stormy (rain, hail)
   Area: One of the bigger islands with a big forest, remained mostly unexplored
   Culture: Just a few Villagers live in Olana, but for some reason, most leave soon after arriving at the island, never stating any specific reasons, although some claimed that the island tried to 'kill' them.

- Island: Piferenc (People: Pirfens)
   Capital: /
   Big Cities: /
   Temperature: -20° / 30°
   Weather: Windy, stormy (rain, hail, snow)
   Area: Big island that is barely populated by any type of civilization with several old ruins in their forests.
   Culture: Barely populated, has a few small houses and is known to be the home of a lot of insect- and birdspecies, as well as appears to be holding the biggest prison 'Rackwill', which holds the more dangerous criminals in.

- Island: Calyps (People: ???)
   Capital: /
   Big Cities: /
   Temperature: -20° / 40°
   Weather: Dry, stormy (rain, hail, snow)
   Area: Big island that is barely populated by any type of civilization with several old ruins in their forests.
   Culture: Barely populated, has a few small houses and is known to be the home of a lot of insect- and birdspecies, as well as appears to be holding the biggest prison 'Rackwill', which holds the more dangerous criminals in.

- Island:
   Big Cities:
   Temperature: -80° / 10°

  - Religion: Rarunism (Ranui)
    Temple: Home of stars, Guds rike
    Common in: Zcamek, Tiryun, Imioce
    Gods: Akor (God of the moon)Myososis (God of the sun)
    Believer: +63,3mio
    Known: Very
    Status: Neutral
    Influence: Akor and Myos both have the most prayers on the planet and are often called 'bringers of peace'. In their story they're known as the gods of balance and get treated with the upmost respect, even though some stories let them seem like demons, they remain as the gods of the biggest religion and are known to have brought peace upon the nations. Ever since the Eccianism has been growing though, the Rarunism was treated more and more like a controlling religion that is trying to gain influence and power over the world, for which reason more and more people start to question the religion and its history and side with the Eccianism.

  - Religion: Eccianism (Iccis)
    Temple: Gates de ifreann, Miral
    Common in: Miral, Ibisca
    Gods: Eci (God of the winter)
    Believer: +12,1mio
    Known: Rarely
    Status: Unknown
    Influence: Holds their god within a 'vessel', chosen by monks. The spirit is sealed within the vessel until it dies and they have to choose a new one. The victim recieves the name 'Young' and they will go by that name from the day the creature lives within them. The members of this religion believe that it is disrespectful to imagine a god as a human, as there is nothing more unholy than the human species, so they always describe Eci as a creature of the sea and sky, that is one with nature. The vessel stays within a temple, where it spends its whole life recieving gifts from prayers and it is never allowed to leave. As the vessel is chosen at a very young age, it isn't given a choice to accept the god as part of it, which is a decision made by the cult. Members are forced to give their child to the ceremony as a vessel, if requested and if refused, the parents will be punished and the child will be taken by force.

  - Religion: Abiscinism (Abiscis)
    Temple: /
    Common in: Zcamek, Nanchke, Amestra & Olana
    Gods: Chuísǐ (God of Death and Life)
    Believer: +1,2k
    Known: Rarely
    Status: Neutral
    Influence: Even though some know more about this religion, most can only assume what is up with this religion and many, even believer and prayer, assume wrong, since the actions of their god remains in darkness and many think he was a normal human that died thousands of years ago, if he existed at all.