AzungKalye's Bulletins

What is activity?

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by AzungKalye

You know at some point I'm gonna go back and start uploading my characters lmao


Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by AzungKalye

This is all mienzhyre 's fault >,[

Name: Clarence

Online handle(s):
AzureSpiritWolf | AzungKalye | Blaxis | Blurr | Harpsicorde | MonochromeCheshire | RenZie99 | SkyBlaxis (I have too many. Just pick one.)

How'd you pick your name?:
Is the result of mimicking WildSpiritWolf and WhiteSpiritWolf's usernames on  deviantArt. The Azure was just a stand in for sky and if you somehow picked up on it, yes it was inspired by AzureSky from dotHack.
   ::AzungKalye:: Is a pun on asong kalye which means street dog/mutt. The Azu coming from the name people call me on deviantArt and the shorthand for it, AzuKal is a pun on asukal which means sugar.
   ::Blaxis:: Is the result of some backwards answer to the question "What's the reverse of Axis?" and yes, that reffered to WW2's Axis. Short for Black Axis, it was meant to be some sort of anti/nega-axis but really didn't mean much and was just meant to be a handle back in pokemoncrater.
   ::Blurr:: Was an old name I used when hiding ffft. It just meant that you could see me but you don't know it was me kinda thing. Started using it again in RP forums.
   ::Harpsicorde:: Is an old RP forum handle that was inspired by a piano and discord. Also where Corre came from.
   ::MonochromeCheshire:: Or MonChe... was an old username I used meant to troll but ultimately abandoned in the record time of half an hour ._. I still use the name every once in a while though.
   ::RenZie99:: Essentially my oldest handle, it's just my nickname.
   ::SkyBlaxis:: My go-to game handle and the origin of AzureBlaxis (Same logic as the ASW thing). "Sky" was just a recurring theme with my old stories and it stuck so I basically try to use it and any iteration of it whenever I can when not using animals or colors for usernames.

Nickname(s): Azu | Axi (Sky's doing) | Blaxis | Black Sis (either kran's or Sauce's doing) | Blurr | Corre | Harpsi | Kai | Mono | Oz | Ren | Saz | Sky | Youk (Pretty sure this was Kaka's doing)

Age, DOB and Star sign: 
23 (As of posting this) | February 18 | Aquarius

5' or 5'2" depending on the damned measuring stick.

Place of Residence: 

What are you wearing right now:
What we here in the province called a daster/duster/I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT 'cuz I'm a lazy bastard who can't be bothered to dress right.

Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?):
There my turtle Leonardo... Whose existence I constantly forget.... Though I do have a dog named Wolf however but he's living with someone else due to the fact I can't keep him at home.

Favourite color(s): Blue | Orange | Brown | Black | Silver

Favourite animal:
Dolphins... :,D that one big "secret" hahaha

Last song listened to: ...I have no idea, it was probably Jonathan Young's english version of Boku no Hero Academia's OP

Last Movie/Show Watched: I'm pretty sure it was Berserk "orz

Do you drink or smoke: I do drink as a social thing but not enough to get drunk... still never gotten drunk... but I'd never smoke... especially on account of my lungs ragequitting on me when I even get a whiff of nicotene in my general area orz

Do you play an instrument: A beatbox I guess... I used to play a ukelele back in Grade 1 but haven't continued that so whatever I learned is long gone. I've been trying to learn how to play a guitar recently but that hasn't gone over too well and what I know of the piano is self taught. I can read music sheets and I have some level of knowledge with the whole finger placement thing to make playing easier but I'm not used to it and we don't have a keyboard in this house so... herpa derp. Oh yeah.. I can play a bagphonet and leaf whistles lol

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: Earrings on either side of the ear. As much as I'd like to get a tattoo, my grandmother would disown me.

What are your hobbies?: Drawing. Games. Reading. Making ears bleed with my horrible voice. Forgetting to exist.

Are you in a relationship?: As Maia would say it, I have f- ... -just cries- ...riends...?

Anything else?: In the middle of trying to remember that being a functioning member of society is a thing.

And I genuine am not sure who to tag, I'mma try anyway : ali @combustibleoranges Falu Ryorion