
Dont Offer+Forever Homed+Mine
Sometimes the world gets too much for me so these characters being me great comfort.. It's like a home away from home In this folder it has characters very dear to me, They are never ufo. There be suggestive content and gore in this folder but they are labelled properly and any NSFW is placed in a Auth Only tab

The ones I didnt make in this folder are also very dear to me so it still stands as stated before do not offer!!

Dont Offer+Forever Homed+Mine
Their Just from another world This folder houses some more characters that are close to me however they are from a different universe depending on the folder! They most likely represents me! Some folders have more gore then the other but they will always come with a warning

Never offer for these characters they will never be up for sale.

Offers OK+Comfort+Didnt Make
Comfort Characters I did not make! These are Characters I adore but I did not make, some may have more art then the other but I still love them all equally, I just dont post every shitty doodle I do of them.

You are welcome to offer on these characters but I will not always accept your offers suince I do love these guys, Some I am more attached to then others so I might have a hard time deciding.

Offers OK+Closed Species+Open Species
This is a folder full of different species! I am mainly in Closed species so that what it mainly is but there are a few open/semi opened in there as well! You are welcome to offer on them however I may not accept!

Species That I have made will always be in the top of the folder and labelled that I had made them!.

This is my Market place! This folder holds characters that are always up for offer as long as they arent in pending, My adopts and trades post is here.

This area houses my commissions along with other ads I may post! I tend to do free art a lot so keep a watch!