- players of session 1 win, enter their new world, spend some time there until suddenly a frog temple appears and they realize there's a first guardian as well

- it becomes apparent to these new gods that they'll lose the world they created eventually, which leads to varying reactions, from "well that's the natural life cycle of universes, but ours is still young and i'm sure we have plenty of years to go" to "what the fuck no i want to keep this world. fuck sburb why don't we just destroy the frog temple"

- gods argue ("regardless of our decision it's going to come to pass anyway because that's how sburb works, it takes our actions into account and that's how it comes to pass" "we're gods, we made our way through our own session and won, we should be able to prevent our world from dying!" "this isn't something you can just prevent it's the natural progression of universes")

- it eventually ends in a stalemate, probably with equal sides feeling different ways with one god stuck in the middle (allusion to prospit vs derse?)

- thousands of years pass; remmie and leeiza happen upon the frog temple and are confronted by the neutral party of the gods, informing the two of the choice at hand: either walk away and never speak of the frog temple again, or decipher the hieroglyphs on the walls and act as the catalysts to a series of events beyond their control

- remmie and leeiza have the same discussion; "it'll happen anyway somehow even if we leave, right?" "is that true, or can we defy fate by destroying the temple?" "won't someone else in the future find it instead then and begin the same cycle?" "will they?"

- eventually they decide to continue the cycle (if only so they can ensure its success rather than leaving it up to someone else) which ultimately pisses off half of the gods of their world and now they have to deal with that :) whoops

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