Chult Lizard Family

In order of age:

Sweet Tooth - eldest sister; culinarian druid; true neutral (leaning neutral good) - she/her

Bellbird - artisan (smith); strong and hardy but with only moderate battle experience; largest of the siblings; lawful neutral - she/her

Grasping Vine - initially a toymaker, now specialising in traps and other devices; artificer; true neutral - they/them

Sweet Tooth, Bellbird, and Grasping Vine are all from the same clutch of eggs, and hatched approximately a month apart. Sweet Tooth is the oldest at 26 years old.

Blue Moon - leucistic; chronic middle child syndrome; confectioner and sorcerer; neutral evil - she/her

Thundering Lizard (nicknamed Bronte by older siblings) - brewer, bartender, and inkeep; no battle skills whatsoever, but he's a real party boy and he's good at making people laugh; true neutral - he/him

Blue Moon and Thundering Lizard are from the same clutch of eggs, and hatched approximately a week apart. Blue Moon is the oldest at 23 years old. (There are more siblings in this clutch, but I haven't designed them yet.)

Quaking Leaf - very small and timid compared to the other siblings; Circle of the Moon druid; no creative skills, leading them to be seen as something of an outcast in the clan; chaotic neutral - they/them

Quaking Leaf was the last egg to hatch, and the only survivor of their clutch. They are approximately 15 years old.