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Multiverse TAU

Modern Fantasy | Dark Comedy | Romance

In a dreary, fog-dark castle at the edge of reality, there lives a small but powerful pantheon of monsters dedicated to spreading negativity throughout the multiverse.

One day, their boss hires a human painter with a strange, sickly soul...

The Primordial Painter

Eldritch Horror | Romantic Comedy

On an earth-like planet with by all manner of sentience, a newborn god desperately tries to figure out who they are, why they were made... and what they want to do with the power they were given.

The Parkaan Black Market

Science Fiction | Romance

A desert moon teeters on the edge of a solar system colloquially known as Northhaven. To IPPEC, the conglomerate that owns it, it's a nameless titanium mine long-since abandoned to economic collapse. To its residents, hidden away miles underground in myriads of massive, spiraling, ant-like “cities”... it is The Parkaan Black Market.

utmv multiverse tau nightmares pantheon bad sanses undertale au monster horror undertale body horror outcode god alien spirit magic faerie au trans girl telepathy corrupt elemental