Baumkuchhen's Profile Comments

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helloo, I saw your art and was wondering if your commissions are openn

Hey there, sorry for the late reply! I'm planning on making a post regarding commissions (prices and such) in the next few days, I'll let you know then! c:

okie tysmm

Heya! My commissions are open now in case you're still interested! :>

fksdhgkadsjglaskg YOUR STYLE IS EVERYTHING. So expressive and dynamic!!! i need you to know i just stumbled on your page and made a sound of enjoyment and my roommate was like "what" and I was like "THIS PERSON'S ART IS SO GOOD"

if you take comms and they're currently open, I'd love to commission you!

klDLKJDLKJLK reading this made me so happy aaaa, thank you so much!! ;v; I'm thinking about opening commissions soon, but I'll let you know when I do! c:

Yes, please do!! :D

Oii heya! Just wanted to let you know my commissions are open atm if you're still interested! :>

YES PLEASE! I'm gonna DM you on discord right now~

🔇 i cant hear shit

привет как дела

я панк

hey baby

shut the fuck up