
- Willing & Perservering -





Medicine Cat


Med Apprentice



A seaside clan, nesteled in the sea oat speckled sand dunes of a small island. Every year during hurricane season, the clan travels up north and in-land, following the path their ancestors laid out for them years ago. Every year the camp is rebuilt stronger and larger.


plovers, egrets, crabs, fish, beach mice, lizards, eggs, small tortoises, and blackbirds

ospreys, kestrels, racoons, snakes, and very rarely sharks or other predatory fish


● BAYCLAN: An orderly clan that lives on the bay side of the island. They often have border skurmishes due to their close locations

● IGUANACLAN: A clan that dwells within the small city just off the island. They don't interact often, and are wary of them.

● MOONCLAN: A pacifist clan that lives on the opposite side of the island. They are good allies with them, traveling together during hurricane season.

Members [18]

● LEADER: Troutstar (F)


● DEPUTY: Tansyberry (M)

APPRENTICE: Orchidpaw (M)

● MEDICINE CAT: Shadowfoot (M)

APPRENTICE: Eveningpaw (M)


- Crowstone (F)

KITS: Ashkit (F), Softkit (M)


- Misltetoeclaw (F)

APPRENTICE: Cormorantpaw (F)

- Hornetface (F)

APPRENTICE: Blackpaw (M)

- Nightwhisker (F)

APPRENTICE: Wigeonpaw (F)

- Rooktail (F)


- Sootpaw (F)

- Orchidpaw (M)

- Eveningpaw (M)

- Cormorantpaw (F)

- Blackpaw (M)

- Wigeonpaw (F)


- Cootwhisker (F)

- Gorsefanag (M)

- Skipperheart (F)

- Poppyheart (F)


Nestled in the heart of the dunes. Dens are constructed in areas of high vegetation, sheltering themselves in the roots of grass and sea oats. Since the root systems of the local vegetation are so vast, all of the den burrows are connected by underground tunnels. Each den has multiple entrance and exit points in case of a tunnel collapse.


The thundersnake is a huge causeway that connects the island to mainland. It is one of the only access points back to mainland, used by twolegs and cats alike. Stormclan uses it frequently when traveling, as well as Moonclan. As a right of passage, apprentices will have to travel across the thundersnake before being eligable for their assessment. Not only will the apprentice know how to get to mainland in case of an emergancy, but it also teaches the young cats about their history.

Twoleg beach

A huge stretch of beach that spans on for miles. Stormclan cats are wary of the twoleg beach, and are taught from a young age not to go there. Stormclan cats despise the twoleg beach, with elders passing on tales to kits about how it used to belong to Stormclan many seasons ago. However, many believe this to be a tall tale told by elders to instill a hate for twolegs into young clan cats.

The Sound

The small part of the bay that actually belongs to Stormclan. It has many purposes, but is mainly used as hunting and training ground for apprentices and young clan cats. Since the sound is on the bayside of the island, the waves are much calmer and the water is much more shallow, making it a great place for young cats to learn how to swim and hunt in the ocean before braving the island side. It's also common for cats to gather here to relax and play. Some mothers will even take their kits here while they're young to expose them to the ocean early.