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Dungeons and Dragons Ocs


Comprehensive list of my Baldur's Gate / DnD characters, This one has the most content! At the moment it's mostly just Illithids but I have a few characters of other races cookin' in my head that I plan to add later.

I highly recommend that you read through each character's warnings before viewing their content, I have a lot of evil characters who do fucked up stuff!

Stand Alone Ocs


Basically any of my characters that have no relation to DnD. There's more than what's listed here, I've just not gotten around to drawing them yet. Most of these characters aren't going to have lore or backstories and simply exist as a design that I reuse every once in a while.

Again, read each character's warnings if you're sensitive to certain topics!

Commissions / Gifts


Art that I've made of characters who belong to other people, Split into two characters for organization. This is also where my commission information and examples are stored! I'm a people pleaser and 20$ is 20$ so the content will vary a LOT, NSFW will always be stored in its own Tabs though.

Fan Art / Stand Alone art


All characters in this folder are either canon to their respective media or are one-off designs based on a fantasy race that popped into my head that I have no plans to use again. Some of the characters in this folder might be interacting with my ocs!


Empty at the moment

Any possible resources I plan to release in the future such as bases or adopts.

Directory HTML by Pinky