
Characters that have a base concept and plans, but are not yet fleshed out. I likely have either not RP'd with them significantly or not developed them enough yet, however they may eventually move to Secondary rank.

These characters could possibly be up for sale/trade someday, but are generally not currently up for sale/trade. You're free to make an offer but if I say no or don't respond, please accept my wishes.

Offering Notes:
Will not accept monetary offers for characters in this folder.
For design trades, I will consider trade for designs made by the following artists, or artists with styles similar to them: Astarphel/CaptainPalu, Kassilea, RealTense, Aerokiba, voxel . ito/ HoodWings, Velocirapioca / PeakWings, Chhromoleon/Speedwalking_Pigeon, Vantabloom/Crionym, Silver Voltage, maxpawb, ariibees, linsaangs, moondo_cool, FeltyNinja, Desert Nettle, Blizzardblitzz, morph_is_die