~Welcome~! 💜

Welcome to my garden! Feel free to have a look around, ask questions, etc.!

**Important note!: Tread lightly! You may be heading into potentially spoilery territory!  Do not proceed into folders unless you don't mind spoilers, or are caught up with the events that each folder pertains to~ <3 

This is especially applicable for the Starriverse Aboretum, "Of Flowers and Futures," and potentially Hollow Warrior. The Friendship Aboretum should be completely safe in regards to spoilers.

  • If you're looking for a specific character, using tags might be very helpful! Admittedly there could be potential spoilers there, especially out here where I think you'd need to "View All" in order for tags to work. Just a heads-up.
  • So if you're having trouble finding someone (or don't want to risk spoilies), please feel free to ask me about them and I will gladly try to find them for you, no trouble at all!
  • If you're not caught up with events I would highly suggest avoiding the "Links" section. I will not link characters until a.) I've  established it in the canon or b.) The main storyline has ended and there will probably be no other way to mention it in the canon. If you're trying to figure out connections for yourself or want to avoid spoilers, please do yourself a favor and avoid that section like the plague. 
  • Please do give me a heads up and message me if you see characters that should have certain tags but don't, or if you see information in a character profile that seems incorrect! I am only one human and I make mistakes all the time, so it would be extremely helpful! Honest! ^v^ <33

That being said - have fun looking through everything~!   

melon fantasy aptalen Penultimate Era leader sheep Kingdoms Heart Arcadian Court Royal winged nomad maincharacter Glacier City Scrollsong hero storyteller keycharacter Titled