Bit-Bit's Bulletins

Toyhouse clean-up and organization

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Bit-Bit

Heyo! It's been a hot minute but I want to be more active and actually use my toyhouse! I'm just going to change some things, move stuff around and just in general update stuff.

Just also been inspired since I got myself an artfight account (go team wither!) and loved that so might as well use something way more detailed, right? Right!

I think I'll be putting some OCs up for grabs too but be sure to check back for a bulletin detailing more about that.

I will no longer support Chimereons

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Bit-Bit

Due to how toxic their moderation has become to the point of even harassing paying and active members, I will not accept any offers involving Chimereons moving forward. I don't have any problems with closed species and actually enjoy them. However, a group that has such shit oversight that many a user can say they had a bad experience with is off the table for me.

TL;DR, Chimereons suck ass please offer me chowlings in the future if I ever have offers up please! Thank you very much!

Teasting Out + News!

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by Bit-Bit

I never did a bulletin before, so I'm testing this out AND I got some news!

I pretty much did a makeover of my profile and whatnot, just so it's more clean and nice. I'm also FINALLY adding html profiles to characters so there's that too.

does html coding work here in this???

testing that too

cuz why not

I'm planning to be a bunch more active here cause I'm getting back into creating stuffs, so look out for that too! Okie, Bit-Bit OUT!