

beep boop


NIBCC means Nia Ivani Bots (Nibots) and Crescent Corp. A futuristic in the beginning of the age of robots.

The world celebrates the creator of the first fully functional robot AI, and funds to create more roll in, she even gains presidency of the worlds biggest robotics company! It's too bad all she really wants is to live life in obscurity with her new robotic children. And if she could do that, then maybe that Cresecent Bot would never find her...

Code by AviCode

Profile Gained Trans Do it Human She her They them He him Queer ro Cis OG Queer Heart eyes Female Gay ro Male Pokemon Gay Ace Enby Aro Pan ro It its No gender Lesbian ro Agender Lesbian Child Furry Fem Moth Bi ro Pan Ifa Monster Fusion Bi Needs art Masc Cat Sonic Eevee Rabbit Bobo Jello Genderqueer Het ro Thinking emoji Deity Robot Demon Het Angel No p No r Sylveon No s Ghost Yuki Elf Dog Worm Any p Mer Genderfluid Gijinka Fae faer Ey em Chiz Umbreon CR Cookie Ze zem Bird Fae Bigender Bulbasaur Ze zir Fox Buneary Lopunny Wolf E em Vaporeon Horse Harpy Squid Fakemon Hedgehog Deer Xe xem Shark FF Star stars Sonic hedgehog Minecraft Dragon Ribombee Unicorn Sus Jolteon Shapeshifter Grey aro Mimikyu Owl Mothim Nickit Sonic rabbit Plant Cinderace Ponyta Scorbunny Espeon Dustox Mawile Wooloo Axolotl Bat Gengar Pirate Splatoon Hattrem Noibat Fennekin Meowstic Primarina Sonic bird Tai Grey ace CS Anni Frog DA Sonic cat Fish Sonic fox Ai aer Zorua Vulpix Sheep Bear Sonic squid Doll Roserade Skitty DunMeshi Tea of Sieves Toxel Feathered Dino Borb Sableye Sonic chameleon Intersex Sonic robot Robin Goat Typhlosion Oricorio Shinx Cubone Pyukumuku Drifloon Steel Darkrai Zach Satyr Chandelure Seedrian Darkling Milotic Centaur Dragonair Vampire Diancie Whimsicott Volcarona Troll Ice Miqote Palia Banette Sonic darkling Sonic moth Panda Rat SU Cow Pegasus Clown Togekiss No pronouns Stargender Mienshao Absol Alien Ai Zangoose HS Dinosaur Heart Eyes Ze zeir Normal Tinkaton Zombie Chameleon Sonic seedrian Werewolf Gem Litwick Lion Stufful Spider Drifblim Howl Braixen Corsola Espurr Demigirl Lucario Megalodon Scolipede Mismagius Zeraora Fish fishes Zey zem Swablu Xe xer Poipole Ambipom Nart Deino Parasect Sentret Alcremie Sprigatito Cleffa Grass Water AT Viera Heart emoji Tatsugiri Syvleon Sonic dog Phoenix Polar bear Fennec fox Sonic axolotl Sonic racoon Sonic black mamba Sonic echidna Lemur Sonic dik dik Gallade Toy Ditto Pumpkaboo Porygon Kelpie Marowak Jirachi Jackalope Smeargle Kirlia Porygon z Smoke Reuniclus Glaceon E ey Gay to E eir Hoothoot Tauros E Im Budew Halfling Love loves Kenku Dewott Mole Growlithe Kecleon Air Bound Foongus Queer to Mareanie Bisexual Tangela Butterfly Genderfuck Cosmog Majiri Flamigo Sneasel Audino Sonic wolf Sonic bear Sonic fennec fox Opossum Snake Sonic gecko Sonic horse Sonic shark Sonic robin Sonic lemur Sonic owl Dik dik Mewtwo Inkling Arctic fox Teddy bear Ze zer TMA Stardust Snom Fae Faer Luvdisc Plusle Demiboy Ai Aier Tiefling Lil Nights Butterfree Eel Leafeon Chespin Anthro Roselia Leavanny Bee Mushroom Squirtle FNAFSB Sonic Mole Froakie Emboar Water Dweller Appletun Duck Scorpion Jackal Poison Slitherwing Mantis Zoroark Vivillon Sonic phoenix Sonic polar bear Sonic opossum Sonic snake Whatever Red panda Ferret Alpaca Greninja SM Pikachu Mermaid Undecided Lurantis Mew Spritzee Seahorse Hattena Kitsune Ae aer HK Ei em Blissey Riolu Seaking Raboot Diety Ai aier Cyndaquil Crab Undead Flareon Sonic bat Frosmoth DF Octoling RE Psychic Elezen Non binary Starling Griffon Yamask Mega Audino Furret Racoon Black mamba Gecko Echidna Sonic red panda Sonic panda Sonic ferret Sonic rat Sonic alpaca Enderman Mouse Spiritomb Flamingo Demi girl Ae Aer Murkrow Orc Newt Shedinja Groundhog Xe xim Haunter Kabutops