BlackSapphire's Bulletins

Follow Me!

Posted 15 days, 14 hours ago by BlackSapphire

Discovered a thing yesterday! Sheezyart is apparently being rebooted as a new project and I cannot describe how excited this makes me. I'm extremely nostalgic for dA and everything it was, but after their wacky decisions with Eclipse, and even worse- the fact they made their own AI Generator, and how they're handling AI Art in general make me sick. So, as disappointed as I am at the reasons, I'm excited there seems to be a growing alternative to dA. Especially because they disallow any AI/Generated Art.

If you already knew about this/have an account, and I'm just slow on the uptake, I'm here: as BlackSapphire, like usual! If you don't have an account, they're technically in a Beta phase still, so they're function on sign-sup slots. Every 8 hours they open some slots, though. There's also an option to subscribe to support them, which will also give you an account slot. One of the things I'm excited about, though, is that these subs are actually pretty reasonable. They have a couple tiers, multiple ways to pay, and the cheapest is about 3$. I really wanted to sign up, so I went ahead and signed up for middle of the road at 12$.

I'm currently trying to figure out which art I should comb through and upload there (besides any new stuff I make). My profile also has links to other places, like my bluesky, tiktok, and artfight. In general I'm hoping I can make this a good central place to find me!

Find Me! (Socials)

Posted 8 months, 8 days ago by BlackSapphire

WHOAH! AN UPDATE? No, really though, I'm sure this is a big surprise I'm sure considering the last one of these was years ago. In any case, HELLO friends from the little corner I hide in! I'm being brave and poking my head out to say a few things!

1) Just a small note to highlight that while I don't actively advertise it usually, I do have a Sale/Trade folder and it's starting to bug me that I have characters in there because they're contributing to my already obscene character count in my Stats:

2) More importantly, and the actual reason I'm making this, is that I'm going to more actively try and do the media thing- Especially after Deviantart decided to completely collapse in on itself with bad decision, after bad decision. I'm wanting a place (or places) to post my art that isn't necessarily of my characters. (Honestly, the only reason that I link to my dA in my profile is so that it's clear that I am the same person.)

I have my links in my bio, obviously. But I was wanting to make an active post to hopefully have you guys find me! I am planning on being active on Pillowfort and Bluesky primarily: (I have invites to Pillowfort, and currently none for Bluesky. But, I've been giving them out as I get them.)

I plan on eventually getting my Tiktok and Twitch nice and active. But, definitely been slacking in that department. So, I'll just post links to those whenever that happens. Tiktok will likely mostly have doodle timelapses and pokemon cards, and Twitch will...probably bounce all over the place- from livestreaming drawing to streaming videogames with my roommates+husband.

I do have other major Social Medias. But, there's really only so many places I can be active without just burning myself out. If you're curious what PF and Blusky are like, the most accurate descriptions I can think of would be Tumblr and Twitter 2.0 respectively.

PF has the most differences between the two atm. It has a community system that primarily drives it, though you can follow specific individuals, along with an actual way to leave comments on posts. You also maintain complete control over your post, even if it's reblogged. Bluesky is definitely going toe-to-toe against Twitter, and is doing a great job of doing so. Its media tab actually functions like you'd expect, only showing the media you've posted and not literally every post you've shared that has media at all. It has a Feed system simultaneously simple and complicated, depending on if you're just following a feed or trying to set one up for people to use. Most interestingly: neither of them seem to have an Algorithm Overlord (At least, not yet. I'm not optimistic it'll stay that way).

But, in any case- I'd go look up the About Us pages for both if that remotely sounds interesting.

WELL. THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! A giant text block that boils down to "Hey, check me out in other places!"

Idea? + IC stuff?

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

Hey, This first bit is a message mainly for other artist peeps, so yeah.. If you're not really an artist type Skip this next paragraph! <3
(unless you're curious anyway, Not like reading it would hurt you lol)

I had an idea that's tied to having my characters interact with other ones. I was thinking maybe could do a series of interactions similar to an RP (Single image unless you want to do more)
Essentially we'd draw the same 2 characters using the previous person's as a prompt. ouo;
Either just sketches or doodled, whatever level you're comfortable with! It'd be cool to develop a lot of my characters this way!
I got the idea from a piece of giftart I did for someone on dA.

Ideally I'd love to do the above in conjunction with some RPs even if they're just casual.
But I'd love to start using that IC switch a bit more.
I find it fun to try and type like my characters would speak.

So yeah, I'd love to start going back and forth with anyone IC with some characters. That'd be great <3

Artless Characters

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

The actual number of characters without art I have is small. If I upload a character without art, chances are it's because well..
:| I'm on my laptop and thus don't have access to ALL my art.

Which is unfortunate.
Even if they actually don't have art, that's probably going to be VERY quickly remedied.
Because the blank images bother me.


((Btw I'm still looking for art trades <3))

Sketch Art Trades?

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

Yo, I'd love to get Art of all my characters.
Like, really really love to.

If you'd be willing to do some sketchy art trades for art like this:

Send me a note on dA or a PM here.

Character Bios?

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

I'm trying to think of all the stuff I should have on my character bios.
I think I should have a sort of standard format...

Also trying to decide if their name should be on an entry on their page or just leave it as is.

Any thoughts?

Trading Guidelines

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

I updated my profile with a general FAQ/Guidelines cell ((along with the other stuff up there)) and a Trading Guidelines cell.
I hope you guys find it useful!


Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

There's a Character Count!! You have no idea how happy this makes me.
I can finally know how many Characters I have!


Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by BlackSapphire

Is this what this is for?
Apparently I can post IC here? This is pretty Snazzy.

I'm currently adding all my characters I'm recently accumulating from dA over here, and adding older ones.
It's a process!

If you guys want to say hi to any of them or whatever, I'll totally use the respond IC thing to..well..respond IC.
Otherwise, Hi I'm new here and still figuring stuff out!
Like what a bulletin is for.