

Glory to Izymiska!

Not much is known about Elleron prior to the Great War, save that it was a horrible place to exist. Nothing exists to state how long ago the Great War even was, save that it was a minimum of several centuries, by this point. However, the technological advancements of the planet as a whole were marvelous, though many such testaments are lost to time or lie in ruin.

The great city of Praque, located in the country of Iyzmiska, has all but returned to its former glory. Headed by the brilliant minds at NEOGEN, Praque has become the most technologically advanced city on the planet, It is the only city with a functioning spaceport and, as such, is the only location denizens of Elleron can legally leave and return to when traveling through space.



What Once was Lost...

PRAQUE's sister city. An institution of knowledge and technological advancement before the war. Now, all that remains in her memory are the rusted metal skeletons of toppled buildings and crumbling architecture. Recently, explorers discovered some intact rooms buried beneath the dunes of the wastes. These rooms had been sealed prior to their investigation and managed to protect some long lost technology.



Home of the outcasts.

The home of the mutts. An entire city, hidden beneath the earth. The majority of Elleron's Mutt Phuzos call this place their home. These phuzos live peacefully amongst each other and flourish. What they lack in technological advancement they make up for in community. Completely different than the propaganda Iyzmiska drills into their citizens.

◇ THE CLAWS. These guards patrol the wastes away from the city. They're basically scouts with training to deal with potential threats, having to determine quickly whether they need to deal with a threat themselves or rush back to Sanctuary to alert the city & prepare a larger force. They often hunt down waste beasts and bring them back for the city either for food or materials. They dress in light armor that allows them to move with ease and travel long distances without getting tired too fast. They normally use ranged weapons and do their best to avoid close combat.

◆ THE TEETH. These guards directly protect the city itself. They stand watch at all entrances and can be seen patrolling the streets and making house calls when necessary. They're often heavily armored and use swords and shields or other heavy slashing or bludgeoning weapons.

◈ THE FLAME. These guards are few in number and are the protectors of Sanctuary. They are so few in number because in order to become a Flame you must possess great natural power/abilities. These guards MUST have SS4 and typically have several magical abilities beyond this. They're a master of their abilities and as such use them as a weapon or a shield to protect the city. They live normal lives and typically aren't known by the community as The Flame unless a need arises for them to don their badge and step into the light.



Here be dragons.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse semper bibendum pulvinar. Pellentesque consectetur arcu ante. Fusce et nulla et massa volutpat imperdiet luctus vitae ipsum. Nam nec nisl in lacus egestas luctus a quis enim. Quisque et sapien ante. Nulla facilisi.








This Place Is Not a Place of Honor

There are many names for the dangerous, radioactive wastelands surrounding not only the city of Praque but the entire planet. The waste is dangerous due to the hazardous levels of radiation and the mutated monstrosities that call it home. Venturing out into the wastes is a death sentence for most, but a select few are granted permission to enter by the Izymiska government. These teams consist of brave Phuzomedes who are risking their lives to further the reclamation and expansion of our world.



what lies beyond our humble home?

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse semper bibendum pulvinar. Pellentesque consectetur arcu ante. Fusce et nulla et massa volutpat imperdiet luctus vitae ipsum. Nam nec nisl in lacus egestas luctus a quis enim. Quisque et sapien ante. Nulla facilisi.


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