The Forest

The Forest
The old ruins

A large forest that appears to be completely empty but it's uknown if that is true. People rarely ever go here because they are often scared off by someone or...something. Within the forest exists ancient and broken ruins, it is believed that this forest was created by the god Kuroka themself. Deeper into a ruin within the forest you can find an old spring that had magical healing properties, maybe blessed by the god? It is unknown if this spring still works but no one has entered the forest in ages to know.

  • Faction [faction here]
  • Location Unknown
  • Climate [climate here]
  • Language [language(s) here]
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While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit.

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While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

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While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

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While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.