Blinker-Trinkets's Profile Comments

remembered blinkers exist and remembered my dude Keni and I'm thinking about uploading them to TH bc afaik I own Keni still 👁️👁️

PLEASE DOOOOO I love looking at them :3

Oh my goodness i havent thought abt blinkers in years… woah….

(owner of dune, nocturne, baleine, mark… etc etc though i dont have them on here)

omgggg wowowow you should totally upload them if you have the ability to!!! 

Do u still own lucy?

I want to trade for a character but I'm not dure which character to trade for her- there's so many cute and cool designs!!!

Here is the OC, just give me one or a list of ocs you'd be willing to trade her for, I can make a redesign sketch for her if needed !!

I'm not really interested in the character, sorry!

i saw you had the fursuit preclaim things and now im just curious at what ur fursuits look like lol

I keep progress pictures of my suit works in my story highlights on my personal instagram page! Best current example is Pixie. I make the majority of my suits completely from scratch, only using premade bases at buyer's request.

this is my father :)


Oh you didn‘t design the Blinkers?

those would have been by my ex-friend, scott. I don't know any of his current socials as we mutually blocked each other like 3 years ago now. 


Omg hi!! I noticed when you followed me on artfight that a lot of your characters’ body type look similar to my character Iggy, (who I always thought was just a weird dog) but I think maybe he’s a blinker! Do you think so? :0

Yes!!! Actually he is!!! I drew his original ref and I remember making him and giving him away as a gift on furry amino years ago ;o;

omg wow!! it really is a small world :DD
I always wondered if he was a part of some original species since his body type seemed so unique- it’s a really neat species! 

ill change the art credits on his original ref to credit you as the artist rn :0

Im honestly thrilled to see this character again! And he's gotten so much love... a plushie... a fursuit... Im so happy to see him in use!

If you want to chat more about the species or you wanna be involved with other people who have blinker characters I could give you my discord???
Honestly though this made my night. 

yesyes!! he’s one of my favorites, I love him so much <33

i don’t use discord but I’ll definitely keep an eye on your page and keep a lookout for other blinkers!! and same omg, I’m over the moon tbh :DD

Oh alrighty! I also use instagram and twitter if that works to chat there as well, its just a lot easier to use an actual chatbox than a comment chain, yknow?
(also if you happened to put Iggy up on artfight I'd totally snatch him to doodle ;)

2 Replies

The traditional image on the front page is the og image of him! If you need proof I can see if I can find the sketchbook I drew him in :)

I finished the blinker art but dunno where to send it

You can upload it directly to TH! If you've never done that before, you just upload it like your own character's art, but when selecting the character, you click the dropdown menu and select "Select from other user's characters"

Hope that helps!

yeye, I know how to send images but forgot where the ocs were located ^^

I organize my ocs by species!

I feel so dumb lmao I go to characters but it's only ocs ufo I dont see mains etc.

click on "view all"

Remind me what characters you wanted so I can transfer right away

5 Replies

I've wanted to get my first Blinker for the longest time sjhfsfsf are you a guest artist?

I'm the original creator of the species :)
I'm co-owning the species with my buddy Luzzy. 



Will you make more adopts of them anytime soon/or do you do customs? I could do art in return, or mixed $ and art

I believe I currently have a couple blinker characters ufo in my adopts and up for offers folders, but if you're not interested in any of them I could do a custom!

A single view fullbody custom is usually $15,
A 2-sided ref custom with miniviews and character details is usually $25
If you wanna talk further you can contact me on discord bc that might be easier :) lmk if that works for you!

OH lol I thought they were your OCs in the ufo folder for some reason xdd

nah they're up for offers! Im more tentative on some than others, and some dont have images because I haven't finished organizing ;w; too many characters to keep track of

Oh wait, blinkers!

alright! I'll give you a couple blinkos to draw then!

I'll let you know when I start! Will probably be sometime tomorrow 




