

Side A: The Digital and Real worlds have been merged for generations. A group of ragtag Tamers come band together to try break the cycle of Guardians and Voices.
Side B: Tamers from around the world are brought together to stop a orgnization of Digimon and Humans trying to merge their wrolds together.


Chararcters from my HeartGold and Sun nuzlocks.


No overarching plot. Just charcters living in a world inhabited by humans and animas -humanoids that can take on animal form and/or have animal features-.


A new world under construction


Fun, little, colourful horses :D-.


Rawr >:3


Rawr >:3.


Back in Neoheck


May you walk in the light of the crystal


All my mascot characters

Template © Circlejourney

subeta neopets digimon mlp lion king OC lion digioc digidestined digifake ffxiv Subeta digiOC fennec fox Pokesona zafara Kau fursona Unicorn Umbreon neosona