Blood_Infestation's Profile Comments

*gasp* I didn't know you had a toyhouse! <3

I doo~!

Yo, your art is my kryptonite now, I saw you did art for Diablos character, and Jesus it looks good! If I may ask do you do art trades( draw buff characters a lot), commissions or anything of such? 

I do, do commissions and I'm glad ya like my art <3 Sorry for the late delays in messages XD

You are very welcome, and Nah man it's very fine, thank you for responding! How much do you usually charge and stuff? I was seeing in an nsfw type commission! :D

These are my prices~!

But I also do picarto collab streams with my best friend, waist up n charge a low price of $85 :>

Ah, thank you, and interesting to know! May join one of those in the future! 👀