Bloodweiser's Profile Comments

hi bloodweiser! i love your character profiles (seriously they're eye candy omg..) and I have similar profiles, but recently what i was using to host the images went down; i was wondering what site you use to host the images you have in your characters profiles /what you might recommend :o?

Hey, thank you so much! Almost all of my images I find on Unsplash or Tumblr, I try to link directly to the posts that contain the image. But if you can't get that to work, my go-to image hosting site is imgur! You can upload the images there to your account.

Ooh thank you for the tip!! :D I hope you have a great day!!

Np :3

i love your art style and designs so much omg !!

thank you!! thats very kind of you!

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Do you have an artfight that I could follow?

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wow this is so incredibly kind of you to say this thank you so much??? 😭 this means so much to me... sorry it took me so long to get back to you ive just been rereading this :') <3

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i love all ur designs sm!!! :D

oh thank you sm!
