BluJay19's Profile Comments


Hey! How've you been?

I've been good! You?

Yeah same here!!

Ive been busy with work and school HAHA!

Same, here! Do you have requests or commissions open btw?

Sadly no, I've just been too busy^^ 😅

1 Replies

Question can I have the link to the code you used for you profile?

I can’t remember which specific one I used, but it was one from this guy!

Just wanna say when I made that post on JOA and I called everyone fake, you and Riss were the only real people on there. Thank you for actually treating me like a human

Oh I didn't even see your post, all I saw was that you were banned ;( 

But thank you so much! I actually really enjoyed your company and seeing your stunning art. You seemed very genuine which is hard to find in a person nowadays. <3

Yeah, I was just fed up with all the fakes on there and finally decided to make a rant about it. I was planning on leaving anyways. Wasn't expecting ZP to be so immature and talk shit about me in the main chat with everyone else though. I also reported PrettyBirdVibes for talking down to me and just in general being a douche to me. I didn't mention her username at first and ZP agreed with me that it did sound like bullying, but as soon as I mentioned her username ZP just tried to defend her and make up stupid lies. Either way I think it's safe to say pretty much everyone on there hated me either way.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I've never been a fan of "group chats" for reasons like that, it causes too much drama and they usually put people down. I think that that situation could've been handled far better from the sounds of it.

Exactly, no wonder everyone is so fake. Too scared to show any kind of opinion because they know everyone will hate them.