BlueSoup's Profile Comments

Thank for you like my child so much hahahaha  


hey blue!! where's the axolotl i designed for you ;-;

hey dw! is just in my alt account while I find a place for them ^^

hey bro can i get a key or smth to eko i wasnt expecting her to get privated 💀

Oh thats bc I'm working on her ^^ I always do that 

eh still its just kinda weird that i cant see her (I THOUGHT YOU DELETED HER LMAO)

No I never delete characters! Dw

slay bro


primero que nada un saludo para ti Blue y espero que te encuentres de lo mejor, vengo por unas cositas de las cuales me entere en estos momentos revisando las request que ya había hecho (incluyendo de los primeros que hice cuando subaste o abri purga en mi TH, adopts "chorizos" que hice) y note que esta la posibilidad que tu hayas eliminado los perfiles de esos nenes definitivamente de Th.

y solo venia a saber si hubo algún problema en general, los eliminaste por gusto o porque ya no les encontraste alguna utilidad.
si en tu caso fue la segunda opción, hubiera sido preferible hablarlo conmigo y llegar a un acuerdo de devolver a los nenes y yo regresarte las ac's (o ponernos de acuerdo si los conseguiste por otro método como intercambio, arte, etc.) para así evitar este tipo de cosas.
si por alguna razon cometí un error en ver esto de una forma equivocada, házmelo saber.
espero una respuesta sincera y con razones aceptables por las que eliminaste a esos personajes o si en su caso los eliminaste porque una persona sin TH te pidio a los nenes; cualquier cosa, repito, házmelo saber por favor. <3

de antemano, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto.

Buenas Toby! No te preocupes porque nunca borro perfiles, pero aún así necesito que me digas cuáles personajes fueron porque no me acuerdo. Y lo dicho es que nunca suelo borrar perfiles,lo único es que los tengo ocultos a todos mis personajes pero seguramente los tenga ahí aún ^^

Edit: Siento haber tardado tantísimo en contestar, estaba de descanso <3 pero lo dicho seguramente no los haya borrado! Yo nunca borro perfiles de personajes, lo único que puedo llegar a hacer es rediseñarlos pero siempre mantengo el diseño original ahí puesto <333

pues, no recuerdo bien sus nombres, pero era un ruso, una gatita de sueter como morado, otra gatita rosa, una maid de cabello rubio y un nene que tambien es una gatita pero los colores son como rosados oscuros.

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de contestar este mensaje y hacerme saber acerca de esto, por un momento me habia asustado que los diseños los hubieras eliminado por algun problema. <33

OHHH ELLOS!! ya sé cuáles me dices!! Los tengo bien guardaditos y puedo mostrarte los si gustas! Esos no los vendería por nada muchísimo menos eliminarlos! Son parte de mis weas por así decirlo y la verdad los quiero mucho ^^ y ntp ! Yo entiendo el problema <3

gracias al cielo y me alegra mucho que te hayan gustado, te lo digo enserió cuando menciono que me asuste si hubo algún problema con los nenes.

Acerca de mostrarlos, ¡no te preocupes! puedes mantenerlos privados si te es cómodo.

Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de responderme <33

Oh no es nada y me alegro haberlo podido solucionar y que ahora estés tranquilo! Yo lo dicho, se van a quedar conmigo <3 Ten un maravilloso día!!^^

Yo it's not letting me text you back, but did you get the message?^^/nm

oh sorry XDD yeah but i dont have money xd

If you want I can put them on hold  or you can offer something else I'm not that picky I'm down to go to 400ac! If you want them lol.

Dw! I was actually interested on them

Ah cool! Do you have any offers on them yet? :D

yep! do you take art?

4 Replies

Heyyy!! :D thank you so so sooooooo much for the drawing of Kahoot! I really love it!! It looks so amazing!! You did all his colors perfectly and everything! ^^ Ty Ty Ty! <3 

Dw! Can i have the adopt then :D?

Also its so cool,the design I mean!

I’m so sorry my memory is trash Dx which was the one you wanted again? 

autumn drinks nwn

Oh :( I’m so sorry! You never responded to confirm the trade so I thought you weren’t interested anymore. Someone else came and picked them up. I’m really sorry for the misunderstanding. I’ll gladly give you another similar quality Oc from my sale folder for the art. Again, I’m really sorry but I honestly didn’t know you were going to make something for them because you never responded back about which characters to draw or what. 

what' I did, I just .... the message didnt send I think, this is unfair! I just paid for it and I want it... 

15 Replies

I mean, to draw something takes time, I cannot finish it in one day, Im busy. 

Also If I werent interested I always answer. Its not my fault I do not have the enough internet, I cant connect here every single day. So this is totally unfair

Also, when someone offers on a character, before selling them people always ask if they are still interested or not, to sell smth without saying anything its kinda rude, also that avoids a lot of trouble like two people offering at the same character

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I hope you like it! I actually feared that you could reject it and I was a bit nervous, but just wanted you to know that even if we dont know each other that much, I consider ya a friend! its always cool to try to talk with you and it helps me to being less shy! hope this message dont bother you and we can be great friends in the future :D you are great asher!

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Ohh reading this make me so happy! Tysm for being so sweet too <D You are a very nice person :'D 

Enjoy your babe!

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Hey, I saw you faved Them 

They're ufo if you'd like to offer on em ^^

YEYEYEYEEYEY anyone in my ufs ?:'0


I didnt see anyone id use, sorry ^^'

Np! I Guess art either


Art should be alr for em ^^

maybe just a fullbody should be fine


I'm down to do a headshot art trade w/ you if you want to?👀

sure but all my sonas are hidden so I dont know how you are going to do the art XDDD

Ohh okay! Well do you have Instagram Twitter Amino discord etc. You could send the images there!

Yeah ! But Im a bit shy and afraid about sharing them :,,

Ah okay! That's all good then. Sorry if I bother you^^

Np!! Nah at the end I will accept your art trade :DDD You dont bother me wtf you are so nice, dont say that <3

2 Replies
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Holaaa Peach :D 

No es nada!! Tanya es un oc muy maravilloso,dibujas genial!! Amo tu arte aaa

Y gracias por decir eso de mi arte,aunque jamás lo habría esperado, porque me rechazaste una oferta de un dreamy que tenias porque mi arte no era de tu interes,así que me alegro que te guste jeje XD

Y si,Helluva es mi serie favorita,es re god. Y bendy es simplemente la leche,como decimos aquí jajsj tienes buenos gustos uwu

HIIII, <33 I just wanted to stop by and say that you've imported so much on your art skills!! .

Keep up the good work <3 ⊂((・▽・))⊃


Omg tysm for telling that! ^^

What drawing are you talking about btw? :0 Well I do not post all my art in here, the last drawing is kinda old actually xd

I dont like working for the people anymore, so, now I focus on take good care of my main characters owo

And that's because I hid all my good and HQ art hahah

Art of Liu! :D 

And ohhh, I wasn't aware of that! 

And haha that's good! 

I'd love to see how much you improved! 

Though I can't exactly remember what the trade was, For you to exchange art ┐(´ー`)┌

Ohh well, I'm glad, because actually I have improved a lot in my art since Liu's drawing, or so I think haha! Thank you for having such a good opinion of my work nwn. And I don't remember the character you gave me either xD

hey uh why can't i view acid??

Ohh I just hid them ^^

Because of thieves

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Aww np! Tysm, you're so kind Volty :""0

I've got almost 100 characters hidden, those hidden are the main, so, sorry if you saw so many empty folders xD they're not empty HAHAHAHS

But, rlly, tysm ;-;❤❤❤💕💕💕💕

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Aww np! I love to returns the favors <3!! I hope you slept nice :D

And yeah xD



I'm glad you like it, and your welcome!! ❤💕❤💕

Your character is beautiful btw

tysm!! :D <33


uhh hey???? what happened to the art i just gave you??? i didnt just spend alot of time of it just for you to delete it :/ thats rlly uncool man

Nooo,I just hid the character qwq

I swear,look,I'm gonna change it to public

oh! thats ok if you wanna keep it hidden!!! sorry if i caused any stress, i was just concerned 

Aaah,np,I did not want to worry you qwq sorry 

its fine dw abt it!!! sorry for the freakout on ur page :'D

Aaah,It was nothing! <3

Thank for telling me it!

(I'm gonna hide it again xD)

Let me explain. When I love so much a character,I hide it , cause' thieves can steal my bbys

I putted it on public for you could draw it ;;

But the draw is still there

HIII!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU ACCEPT GIFT ART!!?!??!? >:]]] 

Uhh yeah :00 tysm!

Can you draw furries?:"D

mhm!!!!! whos ur main?? :3

Well,He's not my main but I would like so much getting art of him!

If you cant draw him ,it's okay !!💖

oooo hes pretty!!!! ill def do him!!

Omg tysm for thisssss ! :")💖💕

3 Replies
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For the art trade, what char would you like me to draw? :D

Can you draw him?


When you're done w yours lmk and when I finish mine we'll both send 'em

Sure :D!! 

Mine's finished :DD

Me too OwO

Tysm, I love it❤

5 Replies

*i show up at your door wearing a sweet sweet  Pinkie Pie cosplay costume.. I look at you dead in the eyes.. bite my lip.. and whip out a can of tomato sauce.. wyd? 😏*

((Trick or treat!!))

You got tricked! 

Pick up some candies 





Wanna a doodle too? 

Sure! You don’t have too, though!

Anyone from here is fine!

Done! Hope you like it! 

2 Replies

my first language was german so i dont blame youu


Cool, I love germany! 

Trick or Treat?  

Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

Oo Id love one ^^

Do I choose the character?OwO

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Treat :"0

Must I pick one of your characters? But for drawing it,right?

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I am giving drawing for treats :3 

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Trick or Treat? Which will I suffer? You decide hehehehe

Trick! Here are some candies🍭🍬🍫🍦🍡

At least I get candy lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Yeah xD

A television screen comes floating up at the door with a jar, also dressed up like him with candy inside. He gives a confident smile, going to knock on the door before saying the honorable words of...

Trick or Treat!


Note: You don't have to draw him if you don't want to! Anybody in this tag would be appreciated as well!

Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

Sure!! Could you do Mr. 793 please? ^^

Done! ❤

Ahh just saw it!! Thank you so much! :D

Np! 💕

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Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

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Np! ❤


Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

Ooo yesyesyes! Yay!! IC please!


Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

Sure! You can do anyone from from mains, secondaries, spooky babes, comforts, or cute fluffs folders. They are all inside my main folder in side folders. <3

Okay then nwn


[ Dustly walked up to the door and excitedly knocked, once opened she happily said ]

 [ Trick or treat! ]

Treat! Wanna a little halloween doodle?

Sure! can u one of


You got tricked! 🎃

Here are some hearths❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Said the weird purple dog as he knocked on the door. Nobody replied but he ain't leaving until someone does! 


Treat haha! Wanna a drawing? 🎃

Sure! Feel free to draw anyone in the "my ocs" folder :o



Hope you like it!!! 💕🍬

Ooo it's so lovely :D!!! Tysm^^

Np! 💕

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Treat! Want a random character?

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a dumb little yellow kitty dressed in an all black suit walks up to your door, she knocks loudly, and declares...


Treat!! Wanna a drawing? 

yes please, can you draw the ic??

Yeaaaah OwO! 

I'm drawing it now so don't worry! But I have a little question, Cinnamon red has a sister, so, do we separate them or..?

you can! I completely forgot about that honestly.

Oh np! 

I will give him/her (I don't now their gender aa) a good and funny family!! ❤

Tysvm for the art <33

Your welcome! ❤

I love your drawing tysm💕

Ayeee, np!! It was my pleasure to make it <33


Treat nwn,you got a draw! Link a character pls

Trick or treat

Trick uvu

Do you want a meme?

Yes please

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Np! You got treat,link a character for a drawing uwu

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Trick UnU

Get this

Idk xD

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Treat :0

Want a little halloween drawing? Link a character owo

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Np!! ❤

You see a figure approaching your house

The figure seems to have cat like features even thought it’s standing up like a human being with a pretty good posture

Maybe it’s a costume?

The figure gets closer to your house while bouncing a little bit and you now see a pumpkin shaped bucket dangling around in their left hand

They’re at your door and knock

You open the door to see a humanoid calico tabby cat looking at you with big shiny eyes and a big smile

In an exited voice they say “Trick or treat!”


Treat hehe!

Want a little character drawing?



TYSM AAA :O I love it sm!!!!!!!

Your welcome nwn

This mf walks in.

"TRICK OR BREAD!! wait... It's trick to treat, right???"

Aww haha,so cute! Treat!

Want a little character drawing?

omg ty!! could you draw my breb bab


Done! ❤

thanks so much <3!

Your welcome! 

Lickity-Split approached you, holding his OwO Pumpkin Basket. He did a little jump while holding it out towards you.

"Trick or treat!"


Aww, How cute! 💕

Treat, Send a character, I will draw them nwn

Lickity-Split pulled the figure of a dragon out of his pocket.

"Can you draw dragons?"

Sure! But I do not draw them often

He is ringing the bell on your door impatiently! When you open them you notice a little blue and pink wolf with outfit of an Lolipop. He wanted to dress up as a ghost but didn't know how to do it so he picked candy way. He showed a large bucket of pumpkin and waited for a reply. - Trick or treat! - He shouted at you, all you could see from his outfit were big glittering purple eyes! What will you answer him? : D

(What a incredible message!) 

Treat ^^.  Send a character and I will draw them! 💕

The wolf standing in front of the door took off his mask and smiled!


Tyssm!! :D

Np nwn

Why am I the only one you did not respond in your profile? Im sad :(

Ah im was thinking what to respond and sorry im gonna fix that haha!

Ahh don't worry xD 

It's not really a problem for me uwu. ❤

I will subscribe to you too :D

A young... raccoon? Is at your door. Her eyes are shut, and yet she could seem to see just fine. "Um, T-Trick or Treat-!"

Treat! Send a character and I will draw them nwn

Here, how about Wish?

Sure OwO



Trick, you got a shitty doodle xD link a character💕

Definitely! They are so cute qwq! 💕

A tall but covered figure approaches your house, covered in a white clean sheet. You can't quite tell what's underneath it but you can tell it's not typical. It nervously knocks on your door before taking a step back. "<<Trick or treat!>>" It proclaims in a way you can nearly understand.

Treat OwO

Link here a character you want me to draw❤

Truco OwO


Trick or treat! :]

Trick owo! 


Bamboozled! >:p


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(I do not know how to do so... XD) 

Treat!  :D

Send a character uwu beep boop (idk how to transfer characters so uh- just do whatever lol)


Can you transfer it pls qwq? You can do it from "Ownership" inside the profile of the character

ok ty!

And can you add the image to the gallery? So I can save it qwq

Sorry for being so annoying qwq

Your fine! :3

Tysm 💖💖💖

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Aww, You don't know how happy I'm now hearing that! 

Tysm for trading with me, I promise, I will take good care of the little blue fox, I make series usually, too! 

So, thank you bud, you're a very king person❤

(Last question, sorry for being annoying. Can I hide the profile of the blue fox? Just until I can write a story for them! If not, it's okay ^^) 

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Tysm! ❤

Have a great day!! 

Gracias por sucribirte bb owo💕

Ya casi llegó a mi meta xD gracias uwu💕

D nada bb teamo💕 xDXD

Es solo para poder stalkear tus notifs xdxd y suerte con esa meta <3


Hola preciosa, a que hora sales por el pan? Perdon, no se me ocurrio que poner ywy Te lofeo mi ciela 👀👌🧡

Gracias XD 

Te amo miamor Ajsjsjaj me siento pendejo pero no importa(?) 💕💕 no tengo corazón naranja ayuda 😭