Blueciitrus's Bulletins

Hmmm update + commission (mine)

Posted 25 days, 7 hours ago by Blueciitrus

Sorry for the delay in response or lack of updates with the communication regarding commissions.

I've been busy with irl and college stuff and trying to get a job but it hasn't been going well on that end (bc photoshop is apparently a standard in corporate industry but aint nobody wanna pay 60 dollars a month for that dawg) 🙏😭 college bills is around July for the semester and i had to borrow from my parents to pay a portion of it and now I owe them about 100$ more or less 💀💀

In the mean time while i try to sign up for an unpaid internship for my neighborhood JUST so i have a minimum work experience with photoshop and find an actual job anr juggle college and finish my current pending comms, my commissions are here if ur ever interested 👍

Eid mubarak!!

Posted 25 days, 7 hours ago by Blueciitrus

Today is a day that mark the end of ramadhan and dedicated of forgiveness for one and all and the mistakes they have in in their life as a muslim and celebrate with large feasts with your family.

And if you don't have a family, go eat your with your friends who cherish you and who you love and cherish!

Eat good 👍 give me THR please 🙏

PWYW 10$ commission forum bump

Posted 2 months, 15 days ago by Blueciitrus

God the damn title for this bulletin is like having to use buzzwords for a youtube video

Anyways, handling my own food, medicine, and college bills is ass when i don't have a stable job atm and desperate times comes with desperate mesures i fear

i literally have not used any other fucking social media other than my TH and my personal private IG hhhghhgh,........

I'm aware I have a written IOU art on a few people and I.... have no excuse for having no motivation in art and being irresponsible with my schedule, sometimes biting off more than what I can chew and suffer the consequence from it by having that debt linger on the back of my head. And with college on my ass it doesn't get any better for me. I'll try my best to finish my queue within January.

I have plenty of plans in the up coming new years, my most determined one is being able to open an intl merch shop for either fanmerch like keychains, charms, or doujinshi for whatever fandom I've indulging in the near future, and lately its been JJK, Trigun, Ace Attorney series, etc, hell maybe even OC merch if anyones ever interest in what I make fuckkkk. With that in mind, I also experienced my first convention with a few friends of mine and it made me have the desire to open a booth by next year with my own friend group there, specifically COMIFURO 19 if i have the funds for it or gain enough attraction once I get back to posting on my social media, so I have a lot of work need to be done.

If I ever fail to make any of these come true, you're free to show me a screenshot of this bulletin and hit me with a wooden chair if you ever see my ass in next year CF event in march (or was it may idfk)

end of the year free purge

Posted 4 months, 5 days ago by Blueciitrus

take one or two for the low low price of nothing (free). severe disconnect from my ocs and this is the consequence i paid for. idc idcF2vkT6JboAARFoi.jpg

warga dirgahayuri

Posted 5 months, 5 days ago by Blueciitrus

I know for a fact that some of ya'll that follow me are indo but im actually wondering how many of you are there and how the fuck did you even find me in the first place


Sh...should i join artfight again... like the last 3 didn't go so well for me dawg......

Adopts idea

Posted 11 months, 11 days ago by Blueciitrus

Uwaahhh i need to make money and i miss making adopts but head empty so give me some ideas like moodboards or pinterest boards or what theme you guys want to see for me to gander around please and thank you

This is the first thing i do when being ia from okay Ryan i see how it is....

may i ask for your discord? -> for good reasons yeah sure. Though i don't rlly just give them around willy nilly either

can i draw your characters, alone or with mine? -> yayayayaya go ahead :) idm oc interaction as long as it's platonic or unless we have a developed oc pairing

can i request character links? -> good majority of my ocs are authorized so yeah sure.

can our characters be friends/enemies/etc? -> I mean sure? im mainly comfy doing these with like ppl i have talked to or like mutuals or whatevs

can i ship my characters with yours? -> read above 👍

can we play a game together? -> I don't play game lots king + i don't own a pc but idm

can i call you on discord? -> unless we're good close pals, no.

can i see a picture of you/will you do a face reveal? -> read above. I have however face revealed before on my personal priv insta LMAO, i know like two people who i sub here has it

can i take inspiration from your art? -> yea 

can i trace your art? -> no

can i take inspiration from your designs? -> idm but rather not? I mean fuck I wouldn't call my designs unique, deffo took some inspirations from lots of media but change certain aspects so i don't flat out copy the designs.

can i co-own a character with you? -> no fank iou

are you okay with offers on your characters? -> I have an eo tag and anything thats on Moacabun is for offers

do you do pings? -> If it's important. Or if you need to tag ppl for like a raffle or whatever i don't mind either, just don't do it excessively 

may i put your characters in dreamie folders? -> assuming its like "wowza op ur ds is epic" yeah idm

can i offer on the same character multiple times? -> just don't do it excessively

can i DM you? -> if we're mutuals or if you need to like tell me sumn, sure.

can you authorize me? -> if were mutuals sure

are you open to art/design trades? -> Depends rlly! As in, when i feel like doing it! But yeah yeah im open for it.

what art program do you use? -> ....... I do sketches on paper and render stuff on ibisX with my fingie on a 5.5 inch phone.....

what should I call you? -> Ryn, Ryan, Ran, Ciitrus, Soda, I go by many names.

how often do you post adopts? -> If god given me the strength and will power

when do you open commissions? -> good question, idk. I mean u can definitely do it whenever. If you're interested, my prices etc are listed in