my closed species

== i am the sole creator of this species. ==
== luggons are a closed species. ==
== i am willing to make custom luggons for trades/sale. ==
== just message me. ==

A prehistoric looking mythical creature.
Luggons are omnivores that are normally seen eating twice their weight in berries. Though their favorite meal is chicken cooked with their flame breath. The average Luggon sleeps for 16 hours of the day; thus why the Luggon is often described as a lazy beast.

Luggons life-span can average between 200-350 years.

Due to their restricted muzzle space, the Luggon is often heard snorting and breathing heavily; something that can not be controlled or fixed. Despite having wings on some, they do not possess the ability to fly; due to the fact their wings are disproportionate to their bodies, and for the fact they are fat.

The average Luggon can tower at a height of 2', but there are some rare occurances of finding one at 3'; but it's a very rare find. Due to their weight, you would most likely find the Luggon waddling around rather than running; seeing as if found running, they would most likely trip over themselves. Though the mane covers their eyes, they are still able to see somewhat; but that doesn't stop them from running into things every now and again.

Don't let their derp-like appearance fool you. A Luggon is not something you want to mess with. They have many weapons at their disposal; tails, fangs, claws, weight. Yes, they are known to use their weight as a counter measure against foes.

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