Borkzoir's Profile Comments

Hello! I hope you don't mind me wiritng in English, as I've never learned how to speak the language (Portuguese). I was just reaching out because I am interested in your work, I took a look at your card that you gave in the comment below. I will come back once I have money, I also had a question for you. - North

No worries I don't mind at all!! and Thanks for the interest in my works, It mean a lot to me ❤
Feel free to ask me questions :D

One thing in particular I was wondering about whether you took comms like these? As well as if you do then how much would it cost?

Oh these are chibis. Sometimes I do them with my friend (Aliceluh), for this specific base, she's the one who did!

Oh ok! Thanks for letting me know! I'll probably come back once I have some money to spend!

no problem!! you're welcome <3

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Hello! Sorry for the late reply!! Here's my carrd with my commissions price, sadly most of my chibi exemples are old.
(Replying in english since I think is more comfortable for ya? >_<)

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np you're welcome!! Is totally ok with me, you portuguese actually is pretty good, It was so sweet that you commented on my profile in portuguese ^-^

Esse lugar tem um cheiro de bronze

Cuidado pra o cheiro não impregnar em tu... a pera esqueci que tu é outro bronze afundado 😁

Me rexxxpeita que eu sou pratina, famoso prata edição prestígio   

prata edição brilhinhu 😂
rexpeite mais os bronzes um dia vc foi um!

Todos nós somos bronzes por dentro!

Faz parte de nós infelizmente! Mas eu prefiro ficar com minha moldura linda.

9 Replies

é muita lindeza pra um lugar so /desmaia

Sinto que fui stalkeada o_o

pois foi mesmo   

Vai ter volta grrrr 

num vai naum uwu






Ain XD

Tem que dar spamm amoroso


;o; <333

Lindo <3



- HELLO MY PUDDIN -12_07_13_265_pudim_de_leite_condensado_4


HUEHEUEH melhor representação XD

Sim XD