BouncyBacons's Profile Comments

Thank you so much for all of the freebies!! I promise I'll take good care of them

You're welcome, I'm glad they are with you <3

I love your art could we do an art trade?:0

Sure! Do you have instragram or discord? ^^

I have neither rn T-T due to issues with my phone

Alrighty then, you can PM me ^^

Ok :)

in life theres roblox

In roblox theres life (and shirts and pants(

ROBLOX brings you, pants

And pants


And pants

And shirts (pants)

And shirts, and pants

(and shirts)

And shirts

And pants, and shirts (and pants)


And shirts, and pants

And pants, and shirts

Shirts, pants, pants, pants

Shirts, pants

Pants, pants, pants

Blud tried to sneak the songs lyrics (real one for real) 😦😦😦