Teterrian Rhapsody

Teterra, a politically afflicted region in Tellus, is currently being besieged by two opposing factions: "The Black Diamond" and the "White Spade Alliance." These groups are striving to rebuild the region in the aftermath of the notorious war that led to the gods cursing Tellus with perpetual winter. As the clock ticks down to an all-out attack on new/old creeds, a band of travelers are left to foster peace between the warring parties amidst the looming threat of never-ending frost. Follow the expedition of Apple Kiga, Natifah Oryx, Beta Satsujin, and Zez Villanueva as they embark on a heroic quest to serve the Rahspody of Teterra amidst the ongoing conflicts.

Main folder!

Editing folder:






All characters in the TR folder (with some Demonix) will be changed. Everything is in the re-works 

Malware virus malware Robot robot computer virus demon animaloid mecha program dragon owl god ninja trade Dragon lycan monster anthro adopt